Page 105 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 105


                          Thus, the maximum rate of tax for the City is $2.50/$100 of value of the taxable
                          property in the municipality. The current City Tax rate is $0.570200/$100 of
                          valuation and thus well below the state and charter statutory maximum.

                    •  Investments: Invest the City’s operating cash to ensure its safety, provide for
                        necessary liquidity, and optimize yield in accordance with the City of Watauga
                        Investment Policy. Interest earned from investments shall be distributed to the
                        fund from which the money was provided.

                    •  Fiscal Monitoring: Prepare and present regular reports that analyze, evaluate,
                        and forecast the City’s financial performance and economic condition.
                       ➢  Financial  Status  and  Performance  Reports:  Monthly  reports  comparing
                          expenditures  and  revenues  to  current  budget,  projecting  expenditures  and
                          revenues through the end of the year, noting the status of fund balances to
                          include dollar amounts and percentages, and outlining any remedial actions
                          necessary to maintain the City’s financial position shall be prepared for review
                          by the City Manager and the City Council.

                       ➢  Three-year Forecast of Revenues and Expenditures: A three-year forecast of
                          revenues and expenditures should be prepared in anticipation of the annual
                          budget  process.  The  forecast  should  include  critical  issues  facing  the  City,
                          economic conditions, and the outlook for the upcoming budget year.
                       ➢  Quarterly Status Report on Capital Projects: A summary report on the contracts
                          awarded,  capital  projects  completed,  and  the  status  of  the  various  capital
                          programs should be prepared quarterly and presented to the City Manager and
                          the City Council.

                   •  Financial  Consultants:  Within  available  resources,  employ  the  assistance  of
                       qualified financial advisors and consultants, as needed, in the management and
                       administration of the City’s financial functions.

                        These  areas  include  but  are  not  limited  to  investments,  debt  administration,
                        financial  accounting  systems,  program  evaluations,  and  financial  impact
                        modeling.  Advisors  should be  selected  on  a  competitive  basis  using  objective
                        questionnaires and requests for proposals based on the scope of the work to be

                    •  Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting: Comply with prevailing federal,
                        state, and local regulations. Conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
                        (GAAP)  as  prescribed  by  the  Governmental  Accounting  Standards  Board
                        (GASB), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the
                        Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).

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