Page 103 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 103


                       ➢  General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance: The undesignated fund balance
                          should be maintained at or above 25% of expenditures.
                       ➢  Retained Earnings of Other Operating Funds: Positive retained earnings shall
                          be maintained in enterprise operating funds in order to ensure that sufficient
                          reserves are available for emergencies and revenue shortfalls. In the Water
                          and  Sewer  Enterprise  Fund,  an  operating  reserve  will  be  established  and
                          maintained  at  or  above  20%  of  the  current  year’s  budget.  The  reserve  is
                          calculated as total budget less debt service and capital project expenditures.
                          Special revenue funds such as Watauga Economic Development Corporation
                          and Crime Control and Prevention District Fund should maintain positive fund
                          balances and each respective Board should approve the amount to be retained
                          each year.
                       ➢  Use  of  Fund  Balance/Retained  Earnings:  Fund  Balance/Retained  Earnings
                          should be used only for emergencies, major capital purchases, or non-recurring
                          expenditures that cannot be provided by savings in the current year. Should
                          the use reduce the balance below the appropriate level, recommendations will
                          be made by management on how to restore the balance to its designated level.

                    •  Capital Expenditures and Improvements: Review and monitor the condition of
                        capital  equipment  and  infrastructure,  establish  priorities  for  replacement  and
                        repair based on needs and availability of resources.

                       ➢  Capital Improvement Program (CIP): An annual review of the need for capital
                          improvements  and  equipment  should  be  conducted.  This  review  should
                          evaluate  the  status  of  infrastructure,  its  replacement  and  repair,  and  any
                          potential  new  projects.  Prioritize  all  projects,  both  on-going  and  proposed,
                          based on an analysis of current needs and resource availability. All operations,
                          maintenance, and replacement costs should be listed for every capital project.

                       ➢  Scheduled  Replacement  of  Capital  Assets:  An  annual  schedule  shall  be
                          prepared for the replacement of non-infrastructure capital assets. As resources
                          are available, these assets shall be replaced according to the schedule.

                       ➢  Capital Expenditure Financing: There are three methods of financing capital

                              o  Current revenues.
                              o  Fund balance/retained earnings, as allowed.

                              o  Debt.
                          Debt financing includes general obligations bonds, revenue bonds, certificates
                          of obligation, and lease/purchase agreements. Guidelines for assuming debt
                          are described in the Debt section, below.
                       ➢  Capital Projects Reserve Fund: A fund may be established and maintained to
                          accumulate proceeds from  the  sale  of  real property,  and  transfers  from the
                          General Fund undesignated fund balance. This fund should be used to pay for

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