Page 101 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 101



               Numerous financial policy guidelines are followed for the fiscal management of the City
               and enable the City to maintain financial stability.  The financial policy statements are
               reviewed  annually  and  provide  a  framework  for  fiscal  decision-making  to  ensure  that
               financial resources are available to meet the present and future needs of the citizens of

                 The benefits of a financial policy are:
                    ▪  Improve and expedite the decision-making process by allowing elected officials
                        and  staff  to  consider  approaches  to  financial  management  from  a  long-term
                    ▪  Enhanced credibility with the public, investors, and bond-rating agencies.

                    ▪  Provide a sense of continuity as changes occur among elected officials and staff.
                    •  Provide a means for dealing with fiscal emergencies.

                Financial policies should be reviewed periodically (at least annually) by the City Council
                and revised and updated as necessary.

               The following are the fiscal objectives of this policy:

                    •  Revenues: Design, maintain, and administer revenues that will ensure reliable,
                        equitable, and sufficient amounts to support desired services.

                       ➢  Balance and Diversify Revenue Sources: Maintain a balanced and diversified
                          revenue system to avoid adverse fluctuations in any one source due to changes
                          in economic conditions.

                       ➢  Property Tax Revenues: Strive to reduce reliance on property tax revenues by
                          implementation  of  user  fees,  economic  development,  and  revenue
                       ➢  User  fees:  Establish  and  collect  fees  to  recover  the  costs  for  services  that
                          benefit  specific  users.  When  feasible,  the  City  shall  recover  full  direct  and
                          indirect costs. These fees should be reviewed on a regular basis to calculate
                          full-cost  recovery  levels,  compare  them  with  current  structures,  and
                          recommend adjustments when necessary.
                       ➢  Utility/Enterprise Fund Service Fees: Utility rates shall be set at sufficient levels
                          to recover operating expenditures, meet debt obligations, provide funding for
                          capital improvements, and provide an adequate level of working capital. The
                          City should seek to eliminate all forms of subsidization to utility funds from the
                          General Fund.
                       ➢  Administrative Service Charges: A method should be established to determine
                          the  annual  administrative  service  charges  due  the  General  Fund  from

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