Page 150 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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          A  multi-year  operating  plan  is  an  essential  tool  for  effective   Financial Principles
          financial management and strategic planning. By extending              Tax Relief
          financial analysis beyond the current fiscal year, it allows for a
          comprehensive understanding of the long-term fiscal implications       Cash Funding of Projects
          of today’s decisions. This forward-looking approach helps identify     Managed Growth
          potential  challenges  and  opportunities,  ensuring  that  the  City
          can proactively address them and maintain fiscal stability. It also    Structural Balance
          promotes sustainable budgeting practices by aligning short-term        Optimum Fund Balance
          actions with long-term goals, supporting the city’s commitment
          to providing consistent, high-quality services to its residents.       Employer of Choice
          Ultimately,  a  multi-year  operating  plan  fosters transparency,     Multi-Year Sustainability
          accountability, and informed decision-making, laying a strong
          foundation for the City’s financial health and growth.                                   Figure 1

          Economic and fiscal wellness is a balance between today’s financial position and the financial needs of
          tomorrow. It is maintaining control over current reserves, debt and expenditures to ensure the City is able to
          meet the financial requirements of the future. To ensure that the City is guided strategically, staff holds two
          strategic planning sessions with the City Council annually to discuss policy direction and strategic priorities.
   Multiyear Operating Plan
          In addition to the annual feedback from City Council, the City Council has established financial policies and
          financial management guiding principles (Figure 1) that are used to guide development of current budgets
          and long-range forecasts.

          It is also important to note that in 2015, the City Council adopted the Southlake Sustainability Plan, which
          works to protect and enhance the quality of life for present and future generations in Southlake through
          both environmental and financial sustainability. The priorities identified in this plan provide a map for the
          long  term  economic  and  fiscal  wellness  of  the  city.  The  plan  recommendations  can  be  found  below  in
          Figure 2. The full Economic/Fiscal Wellness section of the plan, which includes plan recommendations and
          financial modeling can be found in the Appendix.  This plan is also scheduled for review and update in FY
          2025, charting the course for the City’s next decade.

          The City’s multi-year operating plan is updated each year as the annual budget is prepared.  It assumes
          conservative revenue growth with conservative property tax rate management guided by tax relief goals.
          The plan assumes no service level reductions and provides for growth in expenditures due to inflation and
          other known market pressures or cost drivers. Additionally, this plan includes the infrastructure development
          costs planned for in the City’s most recently adopted Capital Improvements Program and contemplates
          adjustments needed to implement the City’s compensation philosophy and remain an employer of choice.

           Figure 2
                          Economic / Fiscal Wellness Priorities identified
                                  in the Southlake Sustainability Plan

               EFW1:  Apply sound financial
              policies to the City’s budget by                                     EFW3:  Fund and adopt
              maintaining structural balance,        EFW2:  Apply debt          annual City operating budget,
               strong reserves, conservative   management strategies to the
              budgeting, effective economic           City’s budgeting          capital projects and equipment
              analysis and understanding the                                    through sound financial policies
                true cost of doing business

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