Page 64 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 64
Solid Waste
FY 2024/2025 Expenditures
Transfers Out Personnel
$482,855 $4,557,171
3% 24%
Capital Outlay
Other Expenses
Supplies and
Purchases Purchased Services
$1,322,036 $7,652,475
7% 41%
Modified Modified
Solid Waste 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 vs. vs.
Expenditures Actual Modified Adopted Adopted Adopted
$ %
Personnel $ 3,895,382 $ 4,620,354 $ 4,557,171 $ (63,183) -1%
Purchased Services 7,322,553 7,327,766 7,652,475 324,709 4%
Supplies and Materials 796,955 1,040,556 872,092 (168,464) -16%
Interdepartmental 606,062 722,847 1,541,973 819,126 113%
Capital Outlay 5,077,345 3,255,945 2,090,213 (1,165,732) -36%
Franchise Fees 442,686 466,456 481,744 15,288 3%
General and Administrative Costs 538,568 565,497 565,497 - 0%
Transfers Out 1,877,307 1,729,749 482,855 (1,246,894) -72%
Miscellaneous (3,817,285) 603,594 449,944 (153,650) -25%
Total Expenditures $ 16,739,573 $ 20,332,764 $ 18,693,964 $ (1,638,800) -8%