Page 61 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 61

Fund Balance Summary

               The General  and Debt  Service funds  each have a fund balance requirement of 20% of net
               operating expenditures, the equivalent of 72 days of operations.  The General  fund meets the
               balance requirement  each of the three  years, with funds in excess of the 20%  requirement
               transferred to other funds such as the QOL fund.  The Debt Service fund also exceeds the 20%
               requirement each of the three years.  The Capital / Street Maintenance fund does not currently
               have a fund balance requirement, as its sole sources of  revenue are operating transfers and
               interest earnings.

                                     GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUND BALANCE SUMMARY

                                                    2022-23  2023-24   2024-25   2025-26  2026-27   2027-28
                                                    Actual   Estimate  Approved  Projected  Projected  Projected

                  GENERAL FUND
                   Beginning Balance               14,736,774  16,523,742 19,553,865  19,553,865  19,553,865  19,553,865
                   Net Operating Surplus / (Deficit)  1,786,968  3,030,123   0         0         0        0
                   Ending Balance                  16,523,742  19,553,865 19,553,865  19,553,865  19,553,865  19,553,865
                   Percentage of Operating Expenditures  20%     26%       25%       24%       23%      23%
                   Days of Operation                     73        96       91        88        85       88

                   FUND BALANCE REQUIREMENT        13,180,839  13,244,643 15,638,716  16,187,097  16,771,502  17,377,361
                   Fund balance requirement is 20% of total budgeted expenditures (72 days of operation).

                  DEBT SERVICE FUND
                   Beginning Balance                6,997,402  6,778,612  7,537,063  7,658,931  7,658,931  7,658,931
                   Net Operating Surplus / (Deficit)  (218,790)  758,451  121,868      0         0        0
                   Ending Balance                   6,778,612  7,537,063  7,658,931  7,658,931  7,658,931  7,658,932

                   Percentage of Operating Expenditures  45%     51%       45%       51%       44%      44%
                   Days of Operation                    164       188      164       188       160      188

                   Fund balance requirement is 20% of total budgeted expenditures (72 days of operation).

                   Beginning Balance                4,329,960     1,987,580       497,580       527,580       527,580       527,580
                   Net Operating Surplus / (Deficit)  (2,342,380) (1,490,000)         30,000  0                 0                 0

                   Ending Balance                      1,987,580       497,580       527,580       527,580       527,580       527,580
                   FUND BALANCE REQUIREMENT  ---  NONE

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