Page 17 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 17

City of Grand Prairie
                                                 Combined Fund Summary

                                                                                                 Modified  Modified
                                                     2022-23    2023-24     2023-24    2024-25    vs.       vs.
                                                     Actual     Modified   Projection  Adopted   Adopted  Adopted
                                                                                                  %         $
           Ending Reources

             General                               $       56,022,277  $         55,511,532  $       56,874,719  $       56,946,273  3%  $        1,434,741
             Airport                                             818,546                854,094                884,105                933,948  9%                 79,854
             Cable                                               335,299                131,345                166,789                137,218  4%                   5,873
             Capital Lending                                    4,544,333             3,868,029             3,318,030             3,937,570  2%                 69,541

             Cemetery                                           1,673,708                953,615             1,037,138             1,037,138  9%                 83,523
             Cemetery Perpetual Care                          1,884,374             2,036,479             2,114,393               2,266,498  11%               230,019

             Commercial Vehicle Enforcement                      304,023                359,264                403,399                405,477  13%                 46,213

             Community Policing                               8,847,847               7,834,290             8,834,368               8,743,675  12%               909,385

             Cricket                                             954,929                528,929             1,043,304                669,209  27%               140,280
             Debt Service                                     1,585,490               1,078,413             1,174,339                738,946  -31%              (339,467)

             Employee Insurance                             13,092,087           12,128,522           13,125,719           13,227,208  9%              1,098,686

             Epic & Epic Waters                               16,330,092               7,780,073             8,375,917             6,643,208  -15%           (1,136,865)
             EpicCentral                                        (555,972)            (2,065,897)               (621,765)               (321,516)  -84%            1,744,381

             Equipment Acquisition                            4,581,686                723,774                974,475                943,200  30%               219,426

             Fleet Services                                   4,680,658             4,768,005             4,162,336               3,925,471  -18%              (842,534)

             Golf                                             2,373,004               2,122,037             2,497,681               2,099,577  -1%                (22,460)

             Hotel/Motel Tax                                  4,093,693               4,165,605             4,654,351               4,817,431  16%               651,826

             Lake Parks                                       3,846,738             6,022,370             4,823,224             5,026,118  -17%              (996,252)

             Municipal Court Building Security                   128,097                114,923                188,072                162,043  41%                 47,120
             Municipal Court Judicial Efficiency                   62,023                  62,149                  56,325                  57,275  -8%                  (4,874)
             Municipal Court Technology                            73,502                117,002                140,545                190,545  63%                 73,543
             Municipal Court Truancy Prevention                    68,716                  62,447                  92,925                111,732  79%                 49,285
             Park Venue                                         8,583,540               7,410,338             8,947,210             9,103,883  23%              1,693,545

             Prairie Lights                                   2,429,898               2,174,055             2,317,714             2,623,353  21%               449,298

             Red Light Safety                                    797,918                525,327                525,327                345,733  -34%              (179,594)

             Risk Management                                  4,715,366               5,643,439             6,700,382               6,986,063  24%              1,342,624

             Solid Waste                                    12,213,043               9,434,443             9,999,302           10,029,012  6%               594,569

             Stormwater Utility                                 2,315,585               1,926,967             2,355,990               2,447,827  27%               520,860

             Street Maintenance Tax                             7,110,746               3,492,205             4,418,800             4,418,800  27%               926,595

             Tree Preservation                                   162,640             1,879,753             1,920,772             1,245,772  -34%              (633,981)

             US Marshals Service                                 323,162                278,162                281,714                231,714  -17%                (46,448)

             Water/Wastewater                               36,360,614           32,143,186           35,713,462             35,993,761  12%              3,850,575

             Water/Wastewater Stability                       5,118,408               5,313,408             5,313,408               5,508,408  4%               195,000
           Total Ending Resources*                 $      205,876,070  $      179,378,283  $      192,814,470  $      191,632,570  7%  $       12,254,287
              *Note: Pooled Investments and Water/Wastewater Debt Service were previously budgeted for but have been removed beginning FY25 and are not included in prior year totals.

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