Page 14 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 14
City of Grand Prairie
Combined Fund Summary
Modified Modified
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25 vs. vs.
Actual Modified Projection Adopted Adopted Adopted
% $
Beginning Resources
General $ 47,179,796 $ 56,022,277 $ 56,022,277 $ 56,874,719 2% $ 852,442
Airport 1,053,896 818,546 818,546 884,105 8% 65,559
Cable 452,892 335,299 335,299 166,789 -50% (168,510)
Capital Lending 3,078,126 4,544,333 4,544,333 3,318,030 -27% (1,226,303)
Cemetery 3,926,345 1,673,708 1,673,708 1,037,138 -38% (636,570)
Cemetery Perpetual Care 1,695,530 1,884,374 1,884,374 2,114,393 12% 230,019
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 268,324 304,023 304,023 403,399 33% 99,376
Community Policing 7,094,755 8,847,847 8,847,847 8,834,368 0% (13,479)
Cricket 1,778,929 954,929 954,929 1,043,304 9% 88,375
Debt Service 1,914,931 1,585,490 1,585,490 1,174,339 -26% (411,151)
Employee Insurance 13,457,125 13,092,087 13,092,087 13,125,719 0% 33,632
Epic & Epic Waters 14,803,456 16,330,092 16,330,092 8,375,917 -49% (7,954,175)
EpicCentral 346,197 (555,972) (555,972) (621,765) 12% (65,793)
Equipment Acquisition 2,910,764 4,581,686 4,581,686 974,475 -79% (3,607,211)
Fleet Services 3,750,573 4,680,658 4,680,658 4,162,336 -11% (518,322)
Golf 1,636,534 2,373,004 2,373,004 2,497,681 5% 124,677
Hotel/Motel Tax 2,723,559 4,093,693 4,093,693 4,654,351 14% 560,658
Lake Parks 2,868,778 3,846,738 3,846,738 4,823,224 25% 976,486
Municipal Court Building Security 98,687 128,097 128,097 188,072 47% 59,975
Municipal Court Judicial Efficiency 68,133 62,023 62,023 62,149 0% 126
Municipal Court Technology 3,572 73,502 73,502 140,545 91% 67,043
Municipal Court Truancy Prevention 34,080 68,716 68,716 92,925 35% 24,209
Park Venue 9,309,434 8,583,540 8,583,540 8,947,210 4% 363,670
Prairie Lights 2,364,779 2,429,898 2,429,898 2,317,714 -5% (112,184)
Red Light Safety 1,137,418 797,918 797,918 525,327 -34% (272,591)
Risk Management 6,122,808 4,715,366 4,715,366 6,700,382 42% 1,985,016
Solid Waste 16,400,778 12,213,043 12,213,043 9,999,302 -18% (2,213,741)
Stormwater Utility 2,805,081 2,315,585 2,315,585 2,355,990 2% 40,405
Street Maintenance Tax 4,416,612 7,110,746 7,110,746 4,418,800 -38% (2,691,946)
Tree Preservation 65,200 162,640 162,640 1,920,772 1081% 1,758,132
US Marshals Service 275,364 323,162 323,162 281,714 -13% (41,448)
Water/Wastewater 38,775,207 36,360,614 36,360,614 35,713,462 -2% (647,152)
Water/Wastewater Stability 4,923,408 5,118,408 5,118,408 5,313,408 4% 195,000
Total Beginning Resources* $ 197,741,071 $ 205,876,070 $ 205,876,070 $ 192,820,294 -6% $ (13,055,776)
*Note: Pooled Investments and Water/Wastewater Debt Service were previously budgeted for but have been removed beginning FY25 and are not included in prior year totals.