Page 16 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 16

City of Grand Prairie
                                                 Combined Fund Summary

                                                                                                 Modified  Modified
                                                     2022-23    2023-24     2023-24    2024-25    vs.       vs.
                                                     Actual     Modified   Projection  Adopted   Adopted  Adopted
                                                                                                  %         $
             General                               $      171,072,524  $      187,284,281  $      185,476,448  $      194,272,415  4%  $        6,988,134

             Airport                                            2,738,892               2,534,251             2,414,326               2,585,456  2%                 51,205

             Cable                                               298,738                296,954                296,954                122,571  -59%              (174,383)

             Capital Lending                                     100,000               1,729,304             1,729,303                            -  -100%           (1,729,304)
             Cemetery                                           4,166,885               2,711,386             2,661,563             1,991,293  -27%              (720,093)

             Cemetery Perpetual Care                                     -                        -                        -                        -  0%                       -
             Commercial Vehicle Enforcement                      120,156                  79,759                  79,759                137,922  73%                 58,163

             Community Policing                             10,482,351           13,286,679           12,286,601           12,570,935  -5%              (715,744)

             Cricket                                             824,000                666,000                151,625                614,095  -8%                (51,905)

             Debt Service                                     41,709,006           57,456,228           57,456,228             60,735,776  6%            3,279,548

             Employee Insurance                               25,027,845           25,013,751             24,016,297           25,064,005  0%                 50,254

             Epic & Epic Waters                             14,961,704           24,925,650             24,825,779           19,650,419  -21%           (5,275,231)

             EpicCentral                                      2,208,890               9,403,716             7,959,584             8,677,678  -8%              (726,038)

             Equipment Acquisition                            3,079,078               4,107,912             3,857,211               6,131,275  49%              2,023,363

             Fleet Services                                   6,692,449             8,762,846             8,414,273             8,936,807  2%               173,961

             Golf                                             3,234,821               3,560,367             3,401,883               3,958,604  11%               398,237

             Hotel/Motel Tax                                  2,058,722             2,833,192             2,763,285             3,047,870  8%               214,678

             Lake Parks                                         3,215,176             3,636,521             3,460,694               4,449,391  22%               812,870
             Municipal Court Building Security                     92,355                118,174                  70,163                136,029  15%                 17,855
             Municipal Court Judicial Efficiency                   11,209                  10,600                  10,600                  10,600  0%                           -
             Municipal Court Technology                            32,289                  41,500                  41,500                  45,000  8%                   3,500
             Municipal Court Truancy Prevention                    85,645                106,269                105,480                  97,193  -9%                  (9,076)

             Park Venue                                     24,048,139           24,478,604           23,352,527             24,840,693  1%               362,089

             Prairie Lights                                   1,375,512               1,967,141             1,982,327             1,539,757  -22%              (427,384)

             Red Light Safety                                    339,500                272,591                272,591                179,594  -34%                (92,997)
             Risk Management                                    7,461,524               7,091,903             6,965,754             6,877,071  -3%              (214,832)

             Solid Waste                                      16,739,573           20,332,764             20,007,149             18,693,964  -8%           (1,638,800)

             Stormwater Utility                               9,297,933             8,652,669             8,224,039               8,172,214  -6%              (480,455)
             Street Maintenance Tax                           10,990,632           17,009,349             16,264,011           13,819,979  -19%           (3,189,370)

             Tree Preservation                                     62,000                312,527                271,508                675,000  116%               362,473
             US Marshals Service                                   95,580                182,500                182,500                187,500  3%                   5,000

             Water/Wastewater                               77,282,130         111,597,035           109,607,762          112,309,482  1%               712,447
             Water/Wastewater Stability                                  -                        -                        -                        -  0%                       -
           Total Expenditures*                     $      439,905,258  $      540,462,423  $      528,609,724  $      540,530,588  0%  $             68,165
              *Note: Pooled Investments and Water/Wastewater Debt Service were previously budgeted for but have been removed beginning FY25 and are not included in prior year totals.

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