Page 16 - CityofGrandPrairieFY25Adopted Budget
P. 16
City of Grand Prairie
Combined Fund Summary
Modified Modified
2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25 vs. vs.
Actual Modified Projection Adopted Adopted Adopted
% $
General $ 171,072,524 $ 187,284,281 $ 185,476,448 $ 194,272,415 4% $ 6,988,134
Airport 2,738,892 2,534,251 2,414,326 2,585,456 2% 51,205
Cable 298,738 296,954 296,954 122,571 -59% (174,383)
Capital Lending 100,000 1,729,304 1,729,303 - -100% (1,729,304)
Cemetery 4,166,885 2,711,386 2,661,563 1,991,293 -27% (720,093)
Cemetery Perpetual Care - - - - 0% -
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 120,156 79,759 79,759 137,922 73% 58,163
Community Policing 10,482,351 13,286,679 12,286,601 12,570,935 -5% (715,744)
Cricket 824,000 666,000 151,625 614,095 -8% (51,905)
Debt Service 41,709,006 57,456,228 57,456,228 60,735,776 6% 3,279,548
Employee Insurance 25,027,845 25,013,751 24,016,297 25,064,005 0% 50,254
Epic & Epic Waters 14,961,704 24,925,650 24,825,779 19,650,419 -21% (5,275,231)
EpicCentral 2,208,890 9,403,716 7,959,584 8,677,678 -8% (726,038)
Equipment Acquisition 3,079,078 4,107,912 3,857,211 6,131,275 49% 2,023,363
Fleet Services 6,692,449 8,762,846 8,414,273 8,936,807 2% 173,961
Golf 3,234,821 3,560,367 3,401,883 3,958,604 11% 398,237
Hotel/Motel Tax 2,058,722 2,833,192 2,763,285 3,047,870 8% 214,678
Lake Parks 3,215,176 3,636,521 3,460,694 4,449,391 22% 812,870
Municipal Court Building Security 92,355 118,174 70,163 136,029 15% 17,855
Municipal Court Judicial Efficiency 11,209 10,600 10,600 10,600 0% -
Municipal Court Technology 32,289 41,500 41,500 45,000 8% 3,500
Municipal Court Truancy Prevention 85,645 106,269 105,480 97,193 -9% (9,076)
Park Venue 24,048,139 24,478,604 23,352,527 24,840,693 1% 362,089
Prairie Lights 1,375,512 1,967,141 1,982,327 1,539,757 -22% (427,384)
Red Light Safety 339,500 272,591 272,591 179,594 -34% (92,997)
Risk Management 7,461,524 7,091,903 6,965,754 6,877,071 -3% (214,832)
Solid Waste 16,739,573 20,332,764 20,007,149 18,693,964 -8% (1,638,800)
Stormwater Utility 9,297,933 8,652,669 8,224,039 8,172,214 -6% (480,455)
Street Maintenance Tax 10,990,632 17,009,349 16,264,011 13,819,979 -19% (3,189,370)
Tree Preservation 62,000 312,527 271,508 675,000 116% 362,473
US Marshals Service 95,580 182,500 182,500 187,500 3% 5,000
Water/Wastewater 77,282,130 111,597,035 109,607,762 112,309,482 1% 712,447
Water/Wastewater Stability - - - - 0% -
Total Expenditures* $ 439,905,258 $ 540,462,423 $ 528,609,724 $ 540,530,588 0% $ 68,165
*Note: Pooled Investments and Water/Wastewater Debt Service were previously budgeted for but have been removed beginning FY25 and are not included in prior year totals.