Page 76 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 76
Budget Highlights Revenue Highlights
This section covers the City’s revenues presented by source for all of the city’s operating funds.
What are all the Sources of Revenue for the City?
Fines & Forfeitures
Use of Money & Property
Charge for Service
Transfer In
Intergovernmental Use of Fund Balance
0.9% 0.3%
License & Permits
1.0% Property Tax
Sales Tax 28.3%
Other Tax 13.4%
Charge for Service, Property Tax, and Sales Tax make up 84.2% of all city operating revenues. Charge for service
is received by multiple city funds, including the General Fund and enterprise funds; property tax is received by the
General Fund, debt service, and applicable tax increment reinvestment zone funds; and sales tax is only received
by the General Fund and the Crime Control and Prevention District fund. The following provides information on
each source of revenue with emphasis on the Genera Fund.
Property Taxes
The FY2025 Recommended Budget is based on a proposed no-new-revenue property tax rate of $0.6773 per
$100 net taxable valuation. According to the Texas Comptroller, the no-new-revenue rate is “a tax rate that would
produce the same amount of taxes if applied to the same properties taxed in both years.” Comparisons are shown
below for the Tax Rate, Appraised Value, and Adjusted Net Taxable Value.
Comparison FY2024 FY2025 $ %
Tax rate per $100 of value $ 0.6725 $ 0.6773 $0.0048 0.7 %
Appraised Value 155,936,572,617 165,700,461,389 $9.8B 6.3 %
Adjusted Net Taxable Value 115,730,642,125 121,923,036,056 $6.2B 5.4 %