Page 269 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 269

Internal Service Funds                                   Internal Service Fund Statement

            FUND SUMMARY

                                           FY2023      FY2024      FY2024      FY2025      Chg from PY Adopted
                                             Final     Adopted     Adjusted      Rec.      Amount         %

              Charge for Service         $ 100,243,978  $ 104,487,117  $ 104,487,117  $ 120,822,859  $ 16,335,742     15.6 %
              Use of Money & Property      10,528,027     4,949,557     4,949,557     8,999,557     4,050,000     81.8 %
              Other                        95,634,729   107,611,972   107,611,972   115,022,183     7,410,211     6.9 %
              Transfer In                   9,630,000     860,583     860,583         —      (860,583)      -100.0 %
            Total Revenues                216,036,735   217,909,229   217,909,229   244,844,599    26,935,370     12.4 %

            Use of Fund Balance                   —     2,872,660     8,449,910     1,798,250    (1,074,410)     -37.4 %

              Salaries & Benefits          45,732,290    49,778,275    49,778,275    51,142,723     1,364,448     2.7 %
              Gen Operating & Maintenance   155,247,190   169,676,258   174,985,619   190,719,908    21,043,650     12.4 %
              Transfer Out                  2,251,228     1,327,356     1,595,246     2,275,583     948,227     71.4 %
            Total Expenses                203,230,708   220,781,889   226,359,140   244,138,214    23,356,325     10.6 %

            Contribution to Fund Balance          —           —           —     2,504,635     2,504,635       0.0 %

            Revenues Over(Under) Expenses $ 12,806,027  $     —  $        —  $        —  $        —           0.0 %


            Internal Service Funds finance the goods and services provided by one department of the City of Fort Worth to
            another.  Departments  utilizing  services  provided  in-house  are  charged  a  fee  by  the  Internal  Service  Fund
            department providing the service. The Internal Service Fund departments depend upon revenue generated from
            those  fees  to  support  all  departmental  functions.  The  city  currently  operates  five  funds  on  this  basis:  Capital
            Projects Service, Fleet and Equipment Services, Group Health and Life Insurance, the Risk Financing Fund, and
            Information Technology Fund.
            The  Capital  Projects  Service  Fund,  through  the  Transportation  &  Public  Works  Department  and  the  Property
            Management  Department,  provides  engineering  services  for  other  city  departments.  Engineering  services
            provided include project design and management, surveying, quality control testing, and construction inspection
            for all water, storm drain, sidewalk, and other infrastructure projects.

            The Fleet and Equipment Services Fund enables the Property Management Department to procure and manage
            fuel and acquire, maintain, repair, and dispose of vehicles and equipment in the city fleet.

            The Group Health and Life Insurance Fund coordinate the health insurance programs for active employees and
            their dependents. It also provides basic life insurance and manages the Employees’ Wellness Program.

            The Risk Financing Fund, which manages the Risk Management and Workers’ Comp Divisions, is responsible for
            property and liability insurance and claims management, coordinating loss identification, reduction, and prevention
            programs, and providing workers’ compensation benefits.

            The Information Technology Fund, provides for the management of the city’s information technology infrastructure,
            systems, and services. Fund expenditures range from routine replacement of IT equipment to major infrastructure

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