Page 265 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 265
Enterprise Funds Water and Sewer
Stakeholder Understanding & Support
This service area engenders understanding and support from oversight bodies, community and watershed interests, and
regulatory bodies for service levels, rate structures, operating budgets, capital improvement programs and risk
management decisions.
Number of people reached through presentations, public 35% 15% >=15% >=15%
events & plant tours
Community Sustainability
This service area relates to the Utility being cognizant of and attentive to the impacts its decisions have on current and
long-term future community and watershed health and welfare.
Water annual savings from water efficiency incentive programs
(million gallons) 25 40 40 90
Employee & Leadership Development
Recruits and retains a workforce that is competent, motivated, adaptive, and safe-working. Establishes a participatory,
collaborative organization dedicated to continual learning and improvement. Ensures employee institutional knowledge is
retained and improved upon over time.
OSHA Recordable Incident Rate 8 7.4 <=5.6 <=5.6