Page 262 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 262

Enterprise Funds                                                              Water and Sewer

            The  Customer  Care  Division  performs  metering  services  as  well  as  billing  and  collection  functions  for  water,
            sewer, reclaimed water, stormwater, environmental, and solid waste services for wholesale and retail customers. It
            also processes orders for new services, collects delinquent payments and investigates complaints. The division
            also manages programs to encourage efficient water use, provides educational programming to the public, and is
            responsible  for  internal  and  external  communications.  In  addition,  the  division  provides  backflow  prevention
            services as well as industrial pretreatment by permitting and monitoring businesses and industries that produce a
            high  level  of  concentrated  waste  to  reduce  the  impact  to  the  sewer  system.  The  division  also  coordinates
            development activities for the Utility with the Development Services Department.

            The Management Services Division develops and monitors operating budgets and capital improvement programs,
            determines  rates,  and  coordinates  all  fiscal  and  administrative  functions  for  the  Utility,  including  procurement
            activities  and  capital  improvement  project  accounting.  The  division  also  provides  capital  project  support,
            organizational  development,  information  technology  services,  environmental  health  and  safety  program
            administration, security and emergency planning, records management and workforce development.

            The  Strategic  Operations  Division  is  responsible  for  developing  a  master  plan  for  all  water  and  sewer  capital
            projects.  This  division  provides  infrastructure  and  facility  planning,  asset  management,  technical  support,  and
            SCADA systems management for the Utility. The regulatory affairs section serves as the departmental liaison on
            all intergovernmental and regulatory issues related to water and sewer services. The laboratory section provides
            water and sewer sampling and laboratory analysis.

            The  Capital  Delivery  Division  is  responsible  for  engineering  and  construction  of  facilities  and  pipeline  projects
            including  water  and  sewer  mains,  new  development  infrastructure,  treatment  facilities,  storage  tanks,  pump
            stations, and lift stations. The division provides in-house design, construction inspection services and coordination
            of projects with the City’s street bond program.

            The Plant Operations Division treats and distributes a safe water supply to meet customer needs and operates
            five  water  treatment  plants  and  various  water  storage  and  pumping  facilities  located  throughout  the  city.  It  is
            responsible  for  the  metering  of  all  the  wholesale  customer  cities’  water  and  sewer  services. The  division  also
            provides  wastewater  treatment  services  for  Fort  Worth  and  its  customer  cities  through  a  regional  water
            reclamation facility. Furthermore, this facility dewaters and treats Class A and AB biosolids for beneficial re-use.
            The facility produces biogas in its onsite digesters for RIN credit to a third party, who provide a monthly royalty
            payment to Fort Worth. The water reclamation facility generates a high percentage of its energy using natural gas

            The  Field  Operations  Division  is  responsible  for  the  maintenance  and  repair  of  close  to  8,000  miles  of  water
            distribution and sewer collection system pipelines. The division handles main break and leak repairs, line location
            services, sewer overflows, inspection and cleaning of sewer lines, water and sewer taps, and fire hydrant and
            valve maintenance.

            The Recommended Budget:

               •   The increase in budget from FY 2024 is achieved via revenue increases by system-wide adjustments of
                   3.27% and 2.25% enacted in the water and sewer rates, respectively.

               •   Increases by $288,990 for three authorized positions (APs) including a chemist and two environmental
                   technicians to assist with maintaining compliance with existing PFAS regulations and position the utility to
                   meet future PFAS regulations required by the EPA and TPDES permits.

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