Page 131 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 131
General Fund Economic Development
Community Vitality
Develop a more targeted approach to encourage economic development in Fort Worth's neighborhoods and commercial
corridors, including how we support the growth of independent, locally-owned small businesses, including minority-owned
Progress towards goal of $25 million
annually in capital investment within 71,000 10,200,000 25,000,000 25,000,000
revitalization target areas
Increased investment in revitalization target
areas as tracked by value of commercial
permits issued for new construction or $96,820,247 $28,480,127 $50,000,000 $50,000,000
Increased Appraised value of revitalization
target areas 18.70% NA 10% 10%
Increased taxable value of TIF Districts
20.20% NA 10% 10%
Incentive Compliance and Planning
Ensure that all incentive agreements are reviewed for compliance with performance requirements and report findings to
assist the Planning & Data Analytics Department forecast expenditures during the fiscal year
Total jobs added from incented projects
currently in compliance 24,236 23,806 20,000 20,000
Total jobs added from incented projects in 12,861 14,655 10,000 10,000
target industries
Percentage of projects meeting Business 46% 51% 75% 75%
Equity Firm commitments