Page 136 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 136

General Fund                                              Financial Management Services

            The Accounting Division maintains the general ledger, performs grant accounting and administration, and records
            and tracks the city’s capital assets in an accounting system conforming to city charter requirements and municipal
            accounting principles. This team also completes bank and balance sheet account reconciliations in addition to
            performing  fund-level  reviews  to  ensure  the  accuracy  of  entries  made  to  general  ledger  accounts.  This  team
            manages  the  traditional  period-end  close  processes  and  oversees  interfaces  from  external  systems  into  the
            general ledger. Financial Reporting within the Accounting Division prepares all financial publications including the
            city's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Annual Report) and coordinates the annual external audit by an
            independent audit firm as required by the city’s charter within the Department of Financial Management Services
            and throughout the city. This division also assists with general ledger maintenance and completes complex entries
            to  ensure  compliance  with  modified  accrual  and  accrual  level  account  requirements  as  promulgated  by  the
            Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
            The Financial Systems Management Division is responsible for the ongoing support of the financial management
            software systems. This team oversees the configuration and application of software to the day-to-day business
            operations while the city’s Information Technology Department provides the network and infrastructure for which
            these systems are delivered to users. This team assists in driving efficiency in business processes by applying
            technology solutions across the department.

            The Central Purchasing Division purchases goods and services for all city departments, assists with the disposal
            of  obsolete  or  surplus  materials/equipment,  manages  the  city’s  Purchasing  Card  Program,  manages  the  city’s
            vendor relationships, and oversees the city-wide mail operations.

            The  Treasury  Division  is  responsible  for  effectively  and  efficiently  managing  the  City’s  cash  and  investment
            portfolios,  seeking  the  highest  return  possible  while  complying  with  Texas  Public  Funds  Investment  Act  and
            applicable law. In addition, the Treasury Division is responsible for administration of the City’s large and complex
            debt portfolio, executing vendor and payroll disbursements, and the billing and collection of a variety of city-wide
            revenue sources.

            FY2025 Discussion AND SIGNIFICANT CHANGES
            The Recommended Budget:

               •   Increases  by  $472,104  and  four  authorized  positions  (APs)  in  salary  and    benefits  and  in  General
                   Operating  &  Maintenance  expenditures  due  to  the  transition  of  the  Fleet  Strike  Force  from  Property
                   Management  to  Financial  Management  Services  in  order  to  expedite  procurement  of  vehicles  and
               •   Increases  by  $649,667  in  General  Operating  &  Maintenance  for  previously  approved  costs  associated
                   with risk management, administrative cost, and IT solutions allocation costs.

               •   Increases  by  $625,571  in  salary  and  benefits  for  previously  approved  costs  associated  with  pay  for
                   performance, rising health care costs, and pension contributions.
               •   Increases  by  $162,322  in  salary  and  benefits  due  to  the  implementation  of  a  department-wide  salary
                   analysis which recommended equity adjustments for 15 APs.

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