Page 107 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 107
General Fund City Manager’s Office
FY23 FY24 FY25
Key Measures Actual Estimated Target Desired Level
Directions Home Program
Directions Home is a city program aimed at making homelessness rare, short term and non-recurring.
Percentage of PSH* clients who are housed
within 60 days 43% 49% 70% 90%
Percentage of RRH** clients who increase
income at program exit 74% 67% 70% 70%
Percentage of RRH clients who are housed
within 30 days 63% 40% 70% 95%
Percentage of Rapid Exit*** clients who
didn’t return to homelessness within one 97% 87% 88% 90%
year of exit
Number of households diverted or housed 252 360 360 360
with Rapid Exit
*Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is the combination of long-term housing assistance and case management for those
who have been homeless longer than one year and are disabled.
**Rapid rehousing (RRH) is the combination of short-term (usually one year) of housing assistance and case management for
those who are homeless; often, this intervention serves families who need assistance connecting to employment.
***Rapid exit is one-time lease-up/rental assistance for homeless households who are employed and can maintain housing
without ongoing subsidy.