Page 179 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 179
Departmental Goals & Objectives - Finance
Goal 1: Ensure Fiscal Stability and Effective Financial Goal 2: Provide Transparent and Timely Financial
Management Repor ting
Objective 1.1: Maintain a General Fund available fund Objective 2.1: Publish the City's Annual
balance of at least 25% of annual operating Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) within 180
expenditures to ensure scal stability. days of scal year-end to enhance transparency and
Performance Measure 1.1.1: General Fund accountability.
available fund balance as a percentage of Performance Measure 2.1.1: Number of days
annual operating expenditures. from scal year-end to ACFR publication.
33.2% 165
Prior Year Actual (2023) Prior Year Actual (2023)
31.7% 170
Current Year Estimate (2024) Current Year Estimate (2024)
26.5% 170
Budget Year Target (2025) Budget Year Target (2025)
Objective 1.2: Achieve a clean audit opinion with no Objective 2.2: Increase the accessibility of nancial
signi cant ndings. information by providing monthly budget versus
Performance Measure 1.2.1: Number of audit actual reports to the City Council and making them
ndings and management letter comments. available to the public.
Performance Measure 2.2.1: Number of
monthly nancial reports published within 30
Prior Year Actual (2023)
days after the end of each quarter.
Current Year Estimate (2024)
Prior Year Actual (2023)
Budget Year Target (2025)
Current Year Estimate (2024)
Budget Year Target (2025)
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025 Page 179