Page 34 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 34


    Deliver  high-quality  service  and  communications  to  external  and  internal
    customers  by  providing  outstanding  customer  experience,  communication  and
    community engagement; regularly seeking feedback from citizens and employees
    through  surveys,  public  forums  and  other  outreach  methods;  and  offering
    convenient methods for conducting business and communicating with the city.

                Action                                                                         Target Date

                Continually assess communications and
                engagement resources, processes, strategies
                and materials to seek ways to increase
                community stakeholder awareness and
                engagement; FY 24/25 success will be
                determined by reviewing analytics on a                 Community
                quarterly basis the goal for the e-newsletter          Services -              Fourth Quarter
                engagement rate is a 50% open rate, for social         Marketing and           (July - Sept 2025)
                media the goal is for average reach post is            Communications
                4,500 and for the website the goal is 375,000
                unique views every quarter; also perform

                quarterly audits of communication material and
                strategies to identify strengths, weaknesses,
                and areas for improvement

                Increase community engagement and
                awareness of library services through outreach
                programming, partnerships with community               Community               Fourth Quarter
                organizations, and marketing efforts; FY 24/25         Services - Library      (July - Sept 2025)
                success will be determined by 40 community
                events and 1,000 social media posts

                Continue to provide the public with updates on
                the status of the 2022 Bond Program                    Community
                implementation; FY 24/25 success will be               Services -              Fourth Quarter
                determined every quarter if an update was              Marketing and           (July - Sept 2025)
                made on social media, in e-newsletter, on the          Communications
                dedicated webpage and via the weekly report

                Revise existing subdivision ordinance to               Development             Third Quarter

       1.3.4    improve efficiency of operations for the overall       Services -              (April - June
                development process                          29        Planning                2025)
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39