Page 32 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 32
High Performing City Organization
Providing Exceptional, People Focused Services
Develop a high-performance and diverse workforce by attracting and retaining the
very best employees; providing a competitive salary and benefits package;
maximizing employee training and educational opportunities.
Responsible Target
Department Date
Continue to ensure competitive compensation and
benefits across the city by benchmarking against peer
cities, evaluating city compensation plan ranges and
1.1.1 adjustments, cost of living adjustments, and Human Resources On-going
performance-based merits; success will be determined
by having an employee turnover rate under 12% each
Continue to provide growth and promotional
opportunities for internal employees through executive
and supervisor leadership training and developing a
1.1.2 Human Resources On-going
robust succession planning program; Success will be
determined by providing 3 leadership classes per
Provide a training program that improves management,
communication, diversity and inclusion, and leadership
1.1.3 Human Resources On-going
training; success will be determined by providing 4
training classes each quarter
Continue development of community partnerships to
1.1.4 discuss diversity and offer suggestions of inclusion Police On-going
within the police department
In partnership with consultant, review and recommend First Quarter
1.1.5 updates to benefit plan designs and carriers based on a Human Resources (October –
RFP process to be completed in FY 23-24 December 2024)