Page 39 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 39


    Enhance  connectivity  and  improve  mobility  by  expanding  capacity  of  existing
    transportation  network,  evaluating  additional  thoroughfare  improvements;  and
    improving roadway, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

                Action                                                                          Target Date

                Continuous coordination with NCTCOG for
                transportation projects on the TIP; FY 24/25
       2.3.1                                                        Capital Engineering         On-going
                success is measured by always having 2
                projects included in the TIP

                Assist with the implementation of developing                                    Third Quarter
       2.3.2    construction schedule for State Highway 174         Capital Engineering         (April - June
                widening from Elk Drive to Wicker Hill Road                                     2025)

                Complete the Willow Creek and Village
       2.3.3    Creek updates to the Master Drainage Study          Development                 Fourth Quarter
                                                                                                (July - Sept 2025)
                and submit letters of map revisions to FEMA

                Begin implementation of Intelligent Traffic
                System (ITS) and Traffic Management                 Public Works /              Fourth Quarter
                Center (TMC), allowing the city to control          Capital Engineering         (July - Sept 2025)
                signal timing throughout the city

                                                                                                Third Quarter
                Complete the realignment and parking
       2.3.5                                                        Capital Engineering         (April - June
                enhancements of Ellison Street project

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