Page 422 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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GAC Media LLC Update:
Type: Relocation of Corporate HQ Mozee is now negotiating final terms for their new space
Capital Investment: $3M Size: 13,000 sq. ft. in Arlington located in the GSW Industrial District. They
Taxable Sales: 11M are also in the process of coordinating their relocation and
Employees: 34 expansion into the new space as well, where they will be
Deal: Relocation of corporate HQ offices. GAC owns and manufacturing the vehicle components through a 3D
operates television networks and streaming services that printing process and assembling the autonomous vehicles
air family friendly content. GAC agreed to promote the onsite. Both governing boards recently approved
COA in at least two productions. (unanimously) the performance agreement that is being
routed for final signatures and execution.
Type: Location of North American HQ Sutton Frost Cary
Capital Investment: Build new HQ Type: Corporate building near the intersections of Front St
Size: 20 FTE and Mesquite St. in Downtown Arlington Performance
Accion is another Spanish corporation locating its North Grant: $122,000 Size: 25,000 sq. ft. of office space Deal:
American HQ to Arlington Texas. This relocation is a result Located in Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1, the
of the Arlington’s FDI recruitment efforts. The incentive project will receive TIRZ #1 funding to assist in the public
provided to support sales up to 5M and provides a sales improvement costs associated with the development.
tax rebate equal to 65% of the taxes collected by the city
from those projections. Accion is a global international Project Eden
company and has plans to continue its expansion and grow Type: Flexible Office Space
its employee base in the city. The OED staff shall continue Capital Investment: $42 million
to engage with the company, support its expansion efforts Size: 227,000 sq. ft.
and report its updates to the city. Employees: TBD
Deal: Arlington EDC approved an infrastructure Grant for
AIP Arlington LLC Project 3.4M for the construction and completion of Eden Road
Type: Flexible Office Space extension and onsite drainage to facilitate the
Capital Investment: $22 million development of the project. The drainage improvements
Size: 96,706 sq. ft. would remedy existing drainage issues on the site and
Employees: TBD would allow for fuller utilization of the property. The
Deal: The development of a flex hybrid office space that owner will construct the public improvements on the
consists of 283,706 SF of Land, and 96,800 SF of building premises and dedicate the land on which the public
with a total development cost $22,00,000M. Increasing improvements are constructed to the City of Arlington as
Arlington’s tax base. The building will consist of 36 public right-of-way and public drainage easements.
workspace shops ranging from 2,500 sf to 5,000 sf units
with 50% high-quality finished office and 50% warehouse. Salcomp Manufacturing USA Corp.
Type: U.S. Manufacturing Headquarters
Mozee, Inc. Capital Investment: $25 million
Type: U.S. Manufacturing Headquarters and Automotive Size: 189,000 sq. ft.
Assembly Plant Employees: Up to 1,000
Capital Investment: $10 million Deal: Arlington Economic Development Corporation
Size: 87,000 sq. ft. (AEDC) and City Council approved a Performance
Employees: Up to 100 Agreement to not exceed $1,8900,000 to support
Deal: Arlington Economic Development Corporation infrastructure/site improvements and future growth
(AEDC) and City Council approved a Performance resulting in the addition of three (3) new production lines.
Agreement to not exceed $4,100,000 to support lease
subsidy, tenant improvements and HQ establishment. Update:
Salcomp is currently in the process of making necessary
site improvements to make way for the new expansion.
They are essentially converting a former warehouse into
new manufacturing space to accommodate the expansion.
City Council recently approved (unanimously) the
Performance Agrmt. that is now being routed for final
signatures and execution.