Page 420 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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The project is remains on track for completion by the end Main 7 Date
of Summer or early Fall 2024. However, business is still Building Permit Issued Dec. 2020
moving along as usual and finishing touches are still being Certificate of Occupancy Issued Pending
made throughout multiple areas to ensure all renovations
will be completed to satisfaction. Also, in May, the Bowery Farming, Inc. Date
Tenant building Permit Issued June 2022
construction was far enough along to host internal and
Project Complete (CO Issued) Pending
externals activities/events to celebrate “Hospital Week.”
Building permits were issued for two temporary structures
to support and allow for this. Staff will continue to Park Place Date
Tenant Building Permit Issued Oct. 2022
monitor progress until the final CO has been issued and
Project Complete (CO Issued) Pending
provide any additional support as necessary to help
accomplish this goal.
Boss Office Date
General Motors (Assembly) Building Permit Issued Pending
Type: Assembly Plant Renovation and Expansion Project Complete (CO Issued) Pending
Capital Investment: $1.4 billion
Size: 1,200,000 sq. ft. expansion Salcomp Date
Employees: 4,000+ retained Tenant Building Permit Issued Mar. 2023
Deal: To assist GM, the City offered an incentive package
including tax abatements to real and business personal Project Complete (CO Issued) Apr. 2023
property and fee waivers.
Mozee Date
Update: Tenant Building Permit Issued TBD
The General Motors assembly plant continues to operate Project Complete (CO Issued) TBD
three shifts per day, six days per week, with one shift on
Sundays. Even at that pace, they are still reportedly not Park Place
fully meeting demand for their products. The City water Type: Mixed Use Retail and Residential
department is coordinating with GM for the construction Capital Investment: $38 million
of a new sewer line to support the plant. Staff is presently Size: 14,777 sq. ft. of retail
working with GM and NCTCOG on creation of a conveyor Employees: TBD
system to deliver finished product to the rail head for Deal: Arlington City Council approved a Chapter 380 Grant
shipment. Also working with the plant management to Agreement for $220,000 to incentivize finish out of
replace their original transmission line towers with single flooring and HVAC in first floor retail of development,
post towers that will free significant space for on-site use which offsets the cost of public improvements the
by the company. GM is coordinating with Oncor. GM developer took on during construction.
recently announced a comprehensive retooling for
production of the next generation full size SUVs with an Update:
investment of $500 million. Staff is currently partnering with the developer to improve
(future) tenant spaces and support attraction of new high-
Medal of Honor Museum quality restaurants and retail businesses to the area.
Type: Museum
In October 2019, the NMOH Museum announced that E-Space
Arlington would be the home of their new museum. The Type: Corporate HQ
site will be in the Entertainment District. Capital Investment: $50 million
Size: 250,000 sq. ft.
Update: Employees: 400 – 3,000
Friday, March 25, 2022, marked the date of the official AEDC will contribute up to 50M for the development of a
groundbreaking ceremony for the Museum in Arlington, cooperate HQ for satellite manufacturing company.
Texas. The groundbreaking was held on the same day Incentives included Ad Valorem tax rehiring Arlington
America recognizes National Medal of Honor Day. residents. The agreement includes recapture of grants if E-
Space fails to meet its obligations.