Page 421 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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             Main 7
             Type: Housing Development                         Update:
             Capital Investment: $14.7 million                 Project is expected to seek amendments to incentive
             Townhomes: 53                                     structure with anticipated increases in budget, square
             Deal: The Arlington City Council approved a Tax Increment   footage, and impact.
             Reimbursement Agreement by and between Savannah
             Main 7, LLC relative to the construction of the   Wallbox USA, Inc.
             development at the corner of W. Main Street and Cooper   Type: First North American and U.S. manufacturing
             Street in June 2020.                              operation
                                                               Capital Investment: $70 million
             Update:                                           Size: 129,000 sq. ft.
             The first 30 units of the Main 7 townhouse development   Employees: 144 up to 250
             have been completed and 23 additional units have been   Deal: Arlington City Council approved a Chapter 380 Grant
             permitted.  Post COVID-19 building materials shortages   Agreement at 80% for 7 years on business personal
             have significantly slowed down construction schedules.    property and building permit fee waivers to reduce the
             Fourteen of the most recently permitted units are almost   costs to retrofit the facility and ramp up the operation.
             Bowery Farming, Inc.                              Wallbox is moving forward with their expansion plans.
             Type: Indoor modern farming operation             They are currently undergoing some corporate executive
             Capital Investment: $20 million                   management changes that is intended to position the
             Size: 205,000 sq. ft.                             company for future success.  Staff has been meeting with
             Employees: 90                                     old and new leadership to bring them up to speed on the
             Deal: Chapter 380 Grant Agreement of 35% for 7 years on   relationship with the city and the current economic
             City taxes paid on business personal property and waiver   development agreement that is in place to support their
             of building permit fees for the cost of installation of   future growth in Arlington.  Staff is also exploring new
             equipment, machinery, and furnishings in the building.   ways and opportunities to continue to support the
                                                               company.  One example is introducing them to external
             Update:                                           partners who are committed to providing resources to
             Internal finish-out is still underway as they are installing a   ensure their success.
             large amount of machinery to accommodate the internal
             farming operation.  Additional floor improvements have   Park Place
             been made to accommodate the added weight of the new   Type: Mixed Use Retail and Residential
             equipment.  Building is largely completed; however, the   Capital Investment: $38 million
             project has stalled due to Bowery’s need to find a major   Size:  14,777 sq. ft. of retail
             retailer to buy their produce.  Company is working with   Employees: TBD
             regional grocers in Texas to be considered in supply chain   Deal: Arlington City Council approved a Chapter 380 Grant
             and purchasing decisions before making final      Agreement for $220,000 to incentivize finish out of
             improvements to their building.                   flooring and HVAC in first floor retail of development,
                                                               which offsets the cost of public improvements the
             Boss Office                                       developer took on during construction.
             Type: Flexible Office Space
             Capital Investment: $25 million                   Update:
             Size: 32,000 sq. ft.                              Staff continues to work with the developer to ensure they
             Employees: TBD                                    stay in compliance with an economic development
             Deal: Arlington City Council approved a Chapter 380 Grant   performance agreement.  They are still evaluating new
             Agreement and 75% tax abatement. The Chapter 380   companies who may be interested in occupying the vacant
             Agreement waives all development fees for the project.   tenant spaces.  Currently, the developer is working with
                                                               the County and going through the certification process to
                                                               ensure accurate and appropriate details are being
                                                               captured relative to the project.  Tenant spaces are being
                                                               built out on a case-by-case basis to support arrival to the
                                                               development. Staff looks forward to the continued
                                                               working relationship.

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