Page 38 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
P. 38
Business Plan Return to Table of Contents
Build Unity
Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
Objective 4: Address Policing and Criminal Justice Disparities
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
BU Unity Council Recommendations – Police
1.4.2 Police Department Recommendations
Improve Transparency
The Police Annual Report is delivered to the City Council
annually as a step towards a transparent implementation
process. We also share this information with the public in other
ways such as through social media and published stories in the
Star Telegram. Progress on updates will also be shared with the
Unity Council at its meetings. The City welcomes feedback from
the public as it works to implement the recommendations of the
Unity Council. The department also continues to push for
transparency through releasing public reports that demonstrate
a high amount of value for residents and business owners.
Pairing of Officers with members of the community from
another race
The Police Department strives to recruit diverse officers to serve
in field training roles. This commitment to diversifying training
options for field training officers will continue. More
importantly, cultural diversity and relational policing priorities
will be developed in officers who serve the community. Newly
hired officers participate in community projects throughout
their academy instruction experience. Upon graduation, they
are assigned to field training. As an update to the department's
field training program, the department will look for ways to
have recruit officers and their training officers participate in
more community events, visit stores, and restaurants in the
beat areas that they will be assigned in order to develop deeper
relationships with community members and businesses.
Enhance Community Policing
The department regularly attends events in the community, and
they are highlighted weekly with calendar invites so officers and
leaders attend various community events. Newly hired officers
participate in community projects throughout their academy
instruction experience. Upon graduation, they are assigned to
field training. As a revamp to the department's field training
program, the department will look for ways to have recruit
officers and their training officers participate in more
community events, visit stores, and restaurants in the beat
areas that they will be assigned to develop deeper relationships
with community members and businesses. We have added
community contact mark outs to the dispatch system to track
officer activity. We are also re-emphasizing the Community
Service Award Bar.
FY 2025 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 29 City of Arlington, Texas