Page 33 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
P. 33

Business Plan                                             Return to Table of Contents

                                                      Build Unity

                                Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
                                 Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
                                             Objective 2: Address Housing Disparities
                            Project                    Performance Measure(s)              Department(s)
             BU    Unity Council Recommendation –   Progress toward affordable housing   Grants Management
             1.2.1  Ensure Adequate Housing Inventory  needs identified in the Housing
                   is Available, Affordable, and   Needs Analysis
                   Accessible for all Income Levels

             In addition to the more traditional products, the City needs
             a variety of housing affordability types to included < 30%
             AMI units and units to meet the needs of the “missing
             middle” or those over income for more traditional housing
             services, yet still low income.

             Working with private developers, staff will continue to
             identify opportunities for new affordable housing,
             conversion of existing housing to affordable housing and
             possible demolition and redevelopment of affordable

                                                      Build Unity

                                Goal 1: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other
                                 Forms of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
                                             Objective 2: Address Housing Disparities
                          Project                  Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             BU    Mortgage Readiness         Number of voucher-assisted families   Housing
             1.2.2                            who become mortgage-ready

             Homeownership is a crucial step toward building wealth
             for families.  The Housing Choice Voucher program allows
             assisted households to use their voucher assistance for
             homeownership.  Housing partners with the Housing
             Channel and other organizations to help families prepare
             for homeownership.  Housing Channel’s metrics for
             homeownership include a credit score of 640 or higher,
             savings of at least $5,000, and living within a balanced
             household budget.

             Housing’s goal is to assist 8 voucher-assisted households
             become mortgage ready in FY 2025.

             FY 2025 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        24                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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