Page 106 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 106


               fund  balances  are  well  above  the  minimums  approved  by  Council.  These  balances
               throughout the various City’s Funds are used to provide as much economic relief to our
               citizens  as  possible,  while  still  providing  a  financially  sound  and  strong  municipal


               Revenues  from  all  funds
               total  $56.65  million  in
               comparison  to  last  year’s
               $44.7  million.      These
               numbers  include  $8.950
               million    in   anticipated
               proceeds  from  the  2023
               Certificates  of  Obligation

               debt  issuance,  and  grant
               funds  (American  Rescue
               Act  Plan  and  Tarrant

               County Street Funding) of
               $7.2 million.    In FY2023-

               2024, Property and Sales

               tax  make  up  34%  of  all

               revenues,  followed  by
               charges  for  services  at

               22% of all revenues.

                                                        ALL CITY FUNDS TOTAL
                                                                                                   BUDGET VARIANCE
                                                FY2022                  FY2023       FY2023   FY2024     EST FY2023 TO
                                             ACTUAL        BUDGET       ESTIMATE       BUDGET         FY2024

             Estimated Revenues
              Taxes / Assessments               9,459,128        9,993,720      10,125,500      11,365,500  11%
              Sales Tax                         7,481,752        7,647,000        7,854,400        8,011,000  2%
              Licenses and Permits                 741,399           602,300           713,800           762,700  6%
              Franchise Fees                       820,349           912,500           918,500           917,500  0%
              Intergovt Revenue                    502,600           503,000           503,000           503,000  0%
              Charges for Service            11,989,454     11,760,160      11,789,660      12,185,660      3%
              Fines & Forfeitures                  690,909           687,900           514,700           606,800  15%
              Interest on Investments              331,353           326,850        1,959,500        1,950,700  0%
              Grant Revenue                        889,168        7,971,800        3,050,403        7,200,000  58%
              Miscellaneous                     5,995,146           855,500        1,015,600        9,866,200  90%
              Operating Transfer In             4,291,137        3,442,200        3,932,200        3,280,000  -20%
              Total Current Year
             Revenues                        43,192,395     44,702,930      42,377,263      56,649,060     25%

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