Page 102 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 102


                               ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES

               The following table briefly describes the impacts of the projected changes in fund balances for
               the year, a total decrease of $10,221,531.  The largest decreases are due to planned capital
               project spending in the General Capital Project Fund and Water/Sewer Utility Project Fund.

                                       Beginning   Ending
                                       Fund        Fund
                Fund                   Balance     Balance     Difference    Comments

                General Fund           $8,430,927   $7,982,657   ($448,270)   Drawdown is primarily for one-time equipment
                                                                             and transfer to Capital Projects fund.   Projected
                                                                             ending fund balance exceeds financial policy
                                                                             minimum target of 25%.
                Strategic Initiative Fund   $35,735   $5,735   ($30,000)     This fund is primarily for high-impact projects
                                                                             identified by Council.  Drawdown is for
                                                                             revitalization efforts in the City.  This fund is
                                                                             combined with General Fund for reporting
                                                                             purposes in the Annual Report and will be
                                                                             closed out in FY2025.
                W/S Utility Fund       $2,804,570   2,457,546   ($347,024)   Drawdown due to one-time equipment.  Ending
                                                                             fund balance is at financial policy minimum
                Economic Development   $2,260,280   $2,799,530   $539,250    Increase due to shift of focus to Economic
                Corp. Sales Tax (formerly                                    Development.  Fund balance to be used for
                Parks Development)                                           future projects.  Ending fund balance exceeds
                                                                             financial policy minimum target.
                Crime Control District   $1,367,852   $1,213,952   ($153,900)   Decrease due to vehicle one time purchases
                                                                             (capital outlay).  Ending fund balance complies
                                                                             with financial policy.
                Storm Drain Utility Fund   $4,319,700   $3,502,000   ($817,700)   Drawdown is due to Capital Projects paid from
                                                                             storm drain fees that were identified in 5-year
                                                                             CIP.  Ending fund balance exceeds financial
                                                                             policy minimum target.
                General Capital Projects   $8,342,306   $3,421,356   ($4,920,950)   Continuation of major capital projects, which
                Fund                                                         include major street project, parks projects, and
                                                                             trails throughout the City.
                W/S Constr. Fund       $3,982,133   $484,033   ($3,498,100)   Water/sewer projects are planned this fiscal
                                                                             year to continue as identified in 5-year CIP.
                Internal Service       $2,050,649   $1,357,109   ($693,540)   Decrease in fund balance due to purchases
                (Equipment Repl. Fund)                                       using legacy funds this fiscal year for
                EDC Capital Projects    $21,146    $11,246     ($9,900)      Economic Development project fund use of fund
                                                                             balance for contingency projects.
                Fleet ILA              $57,971     $72,471     $14,500       No minimum target fund balance policy.
                                                                             Services to surrounding cities are anticipated to
                                                                             increase this fiscal year, resulting in additional
                Library Donation Fund   $66,126    $62,226     ($3,900)      No minimum target fund balance policy.
                Street Maintenance Fund   $63,106   $  0       ($63,106)     Street Maintenance tax discontinued in 2021.
                                                                             Fund balance is being used for continued street
                                                                             maintenance projects until fund is depleted.

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