Page 148 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 148
City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024 Propprietary Funds City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024 Propprietary Funds
DRAINAGE FUND • Completed over 110 gallons graffiti cover up.
The Drainage Fund ‘s purpose is to track revenues and expenses related to watershed and storm • Completed spraying over 1,460 gallons of chemicals along creeks and bridges.
drainage improvements throughout the City. The drainage system includes curb and gutter, storm • Removed wing walls and reshaped the creek at Haltom Road by the library.
drains, and channels. In November 2004, the City Council created the fund to address long-
standing flooding and drainage issues. The source of funds is a monthly fee charged to customers • Repaired 16 flumes at various locations in Haltom City
based upon a rate factor multiplied by the run-off coefficient factor developed for each parcel • Installed new handrails at Whitecreek low water crossings.
of property in the City. Each residential property is currently charged $6.81 per month. Each
commercial property is charged approximately $56.63 per month for each acre, with adjustments Objectives for FY2024
made for variances in the run-off coefficient.
• Continue to maintain and improve the current drainage system
As the City adds additional commercial and residential properties because of growth, revenues will
increase slightly, but it will not be enough to cover all capital projects needed. It is further unlikely • Implemented new procedures and programs based on the new State storm water
that an adjustment in the rate structure will be sufficient to finance future capital projects. This requirements
represents a challenge to the City because the Drainage Master Plan has identified slightly more • Assist in identifying future drainage projects
than $100 million of projects that need to be addressed.
• Reshaping and grading of channels
The FY2024 ending cash and investment balance at year end is estimated at $584,923 which is
approximately 24% of operating expenses. This fund balance meet minimum of 20%. Transfers • Cleaning debris from road and bridge crossings
are made to the Drainage Capital Projects fund for capital improvements, but several projects are
pushed to future years due to lack of funding. • Cleaning inlets and catch basins
• Weed control through mowing and herbicide applications
Mission Statement • Continue to improve erosion control with various procedures
To provide service in a professional manner that complies with Federal and State guidelines; • Responding to customer requests pertaining to the drainage system
implement and maintain an effective storm water management program, flood control, • Larvicide ditches
development review, water quality programs; and to be a steward of our natural resources.
• Continue making inlet repairs
Accomplishment of FY2023
• Continue mapping the outfall pipes and inlets.
• Map and update the drainage system with the GIS mapping consultant.
• Completed the “mid-block” drainage project on Georgian Street
• Corrected 7 bridge deficiencies noted in the Texas Department of Transportation’s bridge • Continue training and education on stormwater management.
inspection lists.
• Completed reshaping Little Fossil Creek section between Eastridge and Fincher Street. Actual Actual Actual Target
• Completed reshaping Minnis and Midway Street drainage channel. FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Mowing / Trimming Grass (Acres) 500 500 400 600
• Completed reshaping Little Fossil Creek from Thomas Road to Garden Street. Erosion repairs with rip rap rock (Tons) 400 400 370 500
Acres of drainage channels maintained 300 300 300 300
• Completed installing 18inch drainage pipe under McCullar street. Goal 6: Address Critical Number of inlets inspected/maintained 900 900 487 1,100
• Completed repairing 23 outfall pipes. Facility & Infrastructure Number of bridge site visits for maintenance 30 30 30 30
Needs Herbicide spraying (Gallons) 1,200 1,200 1,460 1,500
• Cleaned over 487 inlets. Graffiti cover-up (Gallons) 80 80 110 150
Bridge inspections and debris removal (Each) 40 40 40 40
• Completed over 375 tons erosion repairs with rip rap rocks. Special Projects 10 12 9 14
• Completed over 400 acres mowing and trimming of the drainage channels.
• Completed 238 inlets stenciled.