Page 146 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 146

City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                    Propprietary Funds                                            City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                   Propprietary Funds

              •  Continue an environmental complaint response program.

              •  Provide safety training for employees.                                                                                                                   WATER AND SEWER FUND
                                                                                                                                                                              BUDGET SUMMARY
              •  Address the TCEQ’s requirements in order to complete the upcoming MS4 Permit for the                                                                                 Actual      Adopted       Projected     Adopted
                  next 5-year permit term.                                                                                             FUND  41                                      FY2022        FY2023        FY2023        FY2024
                                                                                                                                       Cash  &  Investments,  Beginning                   13,516,207          15,376,380          15,376,380          11,747,164
              •  Maintain integrated mosquito control practice.                                                                        Revenues:

              •  Continue to improve customer service.                                                                                     Water Sales Revenue                            13,332,972          12,500,000          12,500,000          12,500,000

                                                                                                                                           Water Service Fees



                                                                                                                                           Water Connection Fees                                 49,250                 50,000                 50,000                 50,000
                                                                               Actual   Actual    Actual   Target                          Sewer Service Revenue                            9,055,384            9,100,000            9,100,000          10,500,000
                                           PERFORMANCE MEASURES
                                                                                2021     2022    FY2023   FY2024                           Sewer Surcharge Revenue                          1,611,291            1,900,000            1,900,000            1,900,000
                                 Percent of permitted industries with no wastewater   96%   99%      100%     100%                         Sewer Connection Fees                                   4,700                 10,000                 10,000                 10,000
                                 discharge violations                                                                                      Lab Service Fees                                      52,184                 40,000                 40,000                 50,000
                                 New water mains and services installed (feet)    1,600    4,000     5,000    6,000                        Penalty Revenue                                     326,577                 90,000                 90,000               300,000
                                 New sewer mains and services installed (feet)    1,000    4,000     6,000    7,000                        Billing Fees                                          31,290                 30,000                 30,000                 30,000



                                                                                                                                           Interest Income
                                 Feet of sewer lines cleaned                    175,000    71,750   40,000   60,000                        Miscellaneous                                       253,337                 88,200                 88,200                 88,200
                                 Feet of sewer mains televised                   70,000    3,400     8,000   10,000                           Total Revenues                              25,210,279          24,383,200          24,658,200          26,053,200
                                 Number of water main break repairs performed       50        40       73       80                     Cash  &  Investments  Available                    38,726,486          39,759,580          40,034,580          37,800,364
                                 Number of sewer main break repairs performed       16        14        5       10                     Expenses:
                                                                               Actual   Actual    Actual   Target                          Public Works Administration                         622,373            1,165,170            1,165,170            1,509,344
                                           Water & Sewer Maintenance
                                                                                2021     2022    FY2023   FY2024                           Engineering                                         383,638               524,158               524,158               585,482
                                 1. Feet of sewer lines cleaned                 273,694    71,750   60,000   80,000                        Environmental Services                              142,708               496,312               496,312               488,098
             Goal 6:  Address Critical                                                                                                     WS Construction                                     265,403               448,350               448,350               714,725
             Facility & Infrastructure   2. Number of water main break repairs performed  72  40       73       80                         WS Maintenance                                   1,158,398            2,609,345            2,130,250            2,271,922
                   Needs         3. Feet of sewer line televised                124,429    3,400     8,000   10,000
                                 4. Number of water meters replaced                 60        20       60      300                         Collection & Distribution                           472,461               671,122               671,122               718,524
                                 5. Number of new water taps/meter sets installed  1200    1,000      150      300                         Purchased Water                                  4,705,937            5,000,000            5,000,000            5,300,000
                                 6. Number of valves/hydrants replaced/repaired     40        40       45       50                         Sewer Treatment Fee                              1,849,686            2,100,000            2,100,000            2,900,000
                                 7. Number of hydrants tested/oiled/ painted      1,247       20       10      200                         Sewer Surcharge Fee                              1,382,103            1,600,000            1,600,000            2,200,000

                                                                                                                                           Meter Maintenance

                                 8. Number of water valves exercised               120        50     2000     3000                         Utility Billing                                     795,609            1,031,037            1,031,037               987,031
                                 9. Number of manholes cleaned                      10        5        15       20                         Debt Service                                        365,054            1,576,238            1,576,238            1,549,701
                                 10. Number of sewer mains and sewer services repaired  18    20        5        8                         Non-Departmental                                 4,737,630            5,995,538            5,780,538            7,041,548
                                 11. Number of sewer overflows reported              9        20        5        8                         Transfer Out: Fund 01 (PILOT)                       459,996               460,000               460,000               528,976
                                 12. Storm drain televised (footage)               600     10000     9,000   15,000                        Transfer Out: Water Capital Project Fund            8,019,996            7,400,000            7,400,000            5,800,000
                                 13. Number of water service leak                   30        40       30       40                            Total Expenses                              25,489,288          31,237,607          30,541,512          32,880,803
                                 14. Repairs performed                              20        10       14       20                     Non-cash adjustments:
                                                                                                                                           Depreciation/Amortization/Others                 2,139,182            2,254,096            2,254,096            2,500,000
                                                                 Actual      Adopted       Projected     Adopted                       Cash  &  Investments,  Ending                      15,376,380          10,776,069          11,747,164            7,419,561
          STAFFING                                 Class Range  FY 2022      FY 2023       FY 2023       FY 2024                           Change in Cash Inc/(Dec)                         1,860,173           (4,600,311)          (3,629,216)          (4,327,603)
          Director of Public Works                 2601   90       1            1             1             1
          Assistant Public Works Director/Operations  2602  79     1            1             1             1                          Ending Cash & Investments as a % of
          City Engineer                            2804   79       1            1             1             1                               Total  Expenses (City Policy is 20%)           60%           34%           38%           23%
          Assistant Director of Finance/Customer Service  2103  72  1           1             1             1
          Environmental Services Manager           2701   67       1            1             1             1
          Engineer                                 2802   71       1            1             1             1
          Utilities Construction Supervisor        2903   64      0.5          0.5           0.5           0.5
          Water/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor       2904   64       1            1             1             1                                                       Water & Sewer Fund Ending Cash and Investments
          Water Production and Facilities Supervisor  2902  64     1            1             1             1
          Database Administrator                   2801   53       1            1             1             1                                     $20
          Supervisor of Water Department           2302   52       1            1             1             1
          Construction Inspector                   2803   51       2            2             2             2                                    Millions  $15
          Environmental Services Technician        2703   50       1            1             1             1
          Public Works Crewleader                  2905   49       4            4             4             4                                     $10
          Senior Equipment Operator                2906   44       1            1             1             1
          Administrative Secretary                 2003   43       1            1             1             1                                     $5
          Water Production Operator                2907   44       4            4             4             4
          Water Service Representative*            2912   40       2            2             2             3                                     $0
          Equipment Operator                       2910   41       3            3             3             3                                               Actual 2022        Adopted 2023        Projected 2023      Proposed 2024
          Customer Service Representative          2304   38       3            4             4             4
          Utility and Account Billing Technician   2306   44       1            1             1             1
          Public Works Dispatch Clerk              2702   39       1            1             1             1
          Public Works Maintenance Worker**        2911   37       11          11             11           13
          Public Works Inventory Technician        2914   37       1            1             1             1
          Total                                                   45.5         46.5          46.5         49.5
          1 new position added*
          2 new positions added**
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