Page 72 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 72

                                                   FUND 100 - GENERAL

                                                 - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                          2021-22      2022-23     2022-23      2023-24
       REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES:                 Actual      Budget     Estimate    Approved
       Ad Valorem Taxes                                 13,948,203  14,630,519   14,721,521  15,011,862
       Sales & Use Taxes                                39,125,977  35,557,000   42,014,252  40,000,000
       Franchise Fees                                    6,369,322   6,185,869    6,191,542   6,100,000
       Licenses & Permits                                1,347,472   1,609,746    1,609,378   1,964,255
       Charges for Services                              7,815,140   9,747,281   10,932,714   9,898,621
       Intergovernmental                                 3,651,930    344,094      285,666     283,843
       Fines and Forfeitures                             1,083,819   1,018,300    1,220,990   1,031,200
       Transfers In                                      4,274,246   3,870,724    3,933,949   4,699,573
       Miscellaneous                                     3,909,552    959,600     1,548,422   1,027,100
       Total                                            81,525,661  73,923,133   82,458,434  80,016,454

                                                          2021-22      2022-23     2022-23      2023-24
       EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES:               Actual      Budget     Estimate    Approved

       Personnel                                        35,213,699  37,386,031   37,074,446  39,892,689
       Supplies                                          4,887,960   3,581,056    3,609,603   3,917,093
       Maintenance                                       1,430,585   2,357,226    2,440,616   1,888,037
       Services                                         13,758,578  13,570,905   15,131,430  16,148,811
       Insurance                                         8,297,847  10,557,971    7,441,312  10,639,883
       Transfers Out                                    14,176,240   6,159,575   13,959,575   7,338,659
       Capital Outlay                                     606,828     149,500      525,807     191,282
       Total                                            78,371,737  73,762,264   80,182,789  80,016,454

                                                          2021-22      2022-23     2022-23      2023-24
       EXPENDITURES AND PERSONNEL BY PROGRAM:               Actual      Budget     Estimate    Approved  Personnel  (1)
       City Manager                                     22,689,492  12,349,227   21,180,469  14,593,907    16.50
       Mayor & Council                                    127,352     153,972      153,627     168,851     7.00
       City Secretary                                     369,736     424,959      424,290     429,435     3.00
       Human Resources                                    877,098   11,986,664   11,736,674  12,155,060    8.00
       Fiscal Services                                  11,560,188   3,012,641    2,903,993   3,132,488    19.00
       Police                                            2,911,573   3,320,934    2,998,639   4,427,865    17.00
       Fire                                             14,865,876  15,567,710   15,510,609  16,438,237   106.00
       Parks & Recreation                               11,942,057  12,947,228   12,906,973  13,804,777    55.00
       Library                                           1,920,026   2,087,666    2,083,483   2,156,108    12.00
       Public Works                                      9,230,349  10,314,904    8,581,783  10,993,760    64.00
       Building Services                                  759,648     802,001      800,398     877,677     9.00
       Planning Services                                  567,405     794,358      792,769     838,289     6.00
       Total                                            77,820,800  73,762,264   82,341,928  80,016,454   322.50
       (1)  In full-time equivalents

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