Page 152 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 152

                                   FUNDS 115 & 216  - CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU

                                               - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                      2021-22     2022-23     2022-23      2023-24
     REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES:               Actual     Budget     Estimate    Approved

     Occupancy Taxes                                15,780,448  13,493,868  15,410,654   14,733,581
     Facility Rental Income                           651,272      869,600     710,510     869,600
     Interest Income                                  143,448      13,000      609,667      13,000
     Sales & Merchandise                              804,584      887,000   1,105,113     887,000
     Train Operations                                3,461,529   3,314,000   6,179,178   3,987,868
     Festivals & New Vintage                         3,667,168   2,903,400   1,585,994   4,021,936
     Transfers In                                     148,372      464,762     287,939     409,163
     Miscellaneous                                    614,253      379,086     382,211     417,086
     Total                                          25,279,588  22,324,716  26,271,586   25,339,234

                                                      2021-22     2022-23     2022-23      2023-24
     EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES:             Actual     Budget     Estimate    Approved

     Personnel                                       5,844,493   6,733,813   5,740,539   7,338,508
     Supplies                                         348,999      599,725     469,397     706,450
     Maintenance                                      206,491      315,830     332,403     292,730
     Services                                        3,131,593   5,778,250   5,793,183   6,229,814
     Insurance                                       1,258,682   1,596,600   1,262,218   1,764,349
     Festival & Train Operations                     4,312,858   5,041,275   5,024,520   5,956,068
     Transfers Out                                   2,201,581   2,259,223   2,342,047   2,579,155
     Total                                          17,304,697  22,324,716  20,964,307   24,867,074

                                                      2021-22     2022-23      2022-23     2023-24
     EXPENDITURES AND PERSONNEL BY PROGRAM:             Actual     Budget     Estimate    Approved    Personnel  (1)

     Sales, Promotions and Administration            9,815,662  13,089,719  11,955,456   14,585,110     37.00
     Facilities                                      1,720,723   1,724,343   1,783,483   1,695,100      12.00
     Festivals & New Vintage                         3,409,418   3,426,070   3,419,218   3,813,414       7.00
     Grapevine Vintage Railroad                      2,080,269   3,213,263   2,690,645   3,955,367       9.50
     Visitor Shuttle System                           269,758      855,596     880,879     801,783       4.50
     Sister Cities                                       772        6,625       3,845        6,625        NA
     Wine Pouring Society / Craft Brew Guild            8,095       9,100       8,767        9,675        NA
     Total                                          17,304,697  22,324,716  20,742,293   24,994,153     70.00

        Full-time equivalent positions  (FTE)

   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157