Page 149 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 149

Expenditures and Other Financing Uses

               Expenditures of Special Revenue funds total $75.7 million for FY24, an increase of $6.8 million
               (10%) from the prior year’s budget.  Total expenditures in FY23 are estimated at $68.9 million, up
               $5.6 million (9%) from the previous year.

                  SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS            FY-2020     FY-2021     FY-2022     FY-2023      FY-2024
                  Total Expenditures By Fund        Actual      Actual      Actual     Estimate    Approved

                  Convention & Visitors            $15,101,685  $15,590,671  $17,304,698  $20,742,293  $24,867,074
                  CVB Incentives                   $11,680,171  $3,630,020  $4,511,868  $4,088,043  $4,980,602
                  Stormwater Drainage               $1,763,520  $1,693,207  $1,682,110  $1,532,026  $1,552,532
                  Crime Control & Prevention       $17,847,935  $18,196,656  $19,563,534  $21,179,173  $23,109,049
                  Lake Parks                        $3,335,591  $2,889,972  $2,943,938  $2,576,063  $3,061,290
                  4B Transit                        $8,978,634  $9,607,378  $12,698,859  $13,924,321  $14,062,500
                  Economic Development              $5,002,757  $5,170,716  $4,599,205  $4,864,674  $4,135,511
                  Total                            $63,710,293  $56,778,620  $63,304,212  $68,906,593  $75,768,558
                  Increase / (Decrease)             $4,671,990  ($6,931,673)  $6,525,592  $5,602,381  $6,861,965
                  % Change                                8%        -11%         11%          9%         10%

               Personnel expenses  are  the largest   Convention & Visitors          $7,338,508       29.5%
               expenditure  category, totaling  33%
               of  all  budgeted  expenditures.      Stormwater Drainage               $627,296        2.5%
               Personnel expenses are budgeted at    Crime Control & Prevention     $15,852,078       63.7%
               $24.8 million,  an  increase  of $1.1   Economic Development            $457,431        1.8%
               million  from the previous budget     Lake Parks                        $612,130        2.5%
               year.  Public safety employees in the   Total                        $24,887,443      100.0%
               Crime    Control    &   Prevention
               (CCPD) fund account for 64% of the total.  The CCPD fund also contains the majority of total
               authorized positions with 131.0 full-time positions, unchanged from the previous budget year.

               Authorized positions (full-time positions only) total 70.0 in the Convention & Visitors Bureau fund,
               an increase of 1.0 FTE.  Authorized positions in the Stormwater Drainage fund equal 8.0, 4.5 in the
               Lake Parks fund, and 3.5 in the Economic Development fund, all unchanged from the previous year.

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