Page 33 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 33

Revenues are projected to be $10,359,138  in the  adopted  FY 2023-24  budget.
               Expenditures are projected to be $9,113,818, including $2,757,636 debt service
               payment, in FY 2023-24. The proposed fund balance at the end of the fiscal year
               2024  is projected to be $6,417,450 or 70.41% fund  balance percentage to
               expenditures, which is well above the 20% fund balance requirement per the city’s

               financial policy.


               The citizens of Burleson approved an additional one-half of one percent sales tax
               in 1993 to fund the construction and acquisition of municipal facilities and for other
               purposes provided for by the enabling state statute.

               The Special Revenue Fund accounts for the receipt of half-cent sales tax revenue
               and expenditures, including debt service payments that are allowable under state
               regulations for 4B Community Service Development Corporations.

               Revenues are projected to  be $7,724,397  in the  adopted  FY 2023-24  budget.

               Expenditures are projected to be $8,080,943, including $2,224,218 debt service
               payment, in FY 2023-24. The projected fund balance at the end of the fiscal year
               2024  is  anticipated  to be $4,247,975 or 52.57% fund balance percentage to

               4B fund also transfers funds to the Parks Performance and Golf fund to subsidize

               their operations. The proposed transfer for FY 2024 to the Parks Performance fund
               is $3,453,234 and for Golf Fund is $1,230,004 which includes a $371,032 golf debt
               service payment.

               The Parks Performance Fund is budgeted for revenues and  expenditures of

               $5,660,284 to net a zero fund balance. A transfer of $3,453,234 is proposed from
               the 4B Fund to cover operational expenses in FY 2023-24. The Burleson Recreation
               Center (BRiCK), Athletics, and Russell Farm Art Center revenues are budgeted to be
               a combined $2,207,050 for these programs. The operating revenues are expected
               to cover 39.0% of fund expenses in FY 2023-24.

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