Page 37 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 37
The Cemetery (Operations) Fund is an enterprise fund used to account for the cost
of operating the Burleson Memorial Cemetery. Operations are financed by
revenues from the sale of cemetery lots and interest on investments. Revenues are
projected at $27,000 in FY 2023-24 and expenditures are projected at $22,361. The
end-of-year working capital in the Cemetery Fund is projected to be $284,701 in FY
The Equipment Service Fund is an internal service fund used to enhance
accountability for the expenses associated with vehicle and equipment operation.
All costs related to these operations are charged to the “customer” departments
to offset the adopted budget expenses of this fund. Revenues in the FY 2023-24
budget are projected at $2,325,024. Fund expenditures are budgeted at
$2,107,627. The projected end-of-year working capital in the Equipment Service
Fund for FY 2023-24 is budgeted to be $181,160.
There are two Equipment Replacement Funds, the Governmental Equipment
Replacement Fund and the Proprietary Equipment Replacement Fund. The
Proprietary Equipment Replacement Fund is used as a funding, management, and
planning tool that provides a systematic approach to replacing city-owned vehicles
and equipment used by the Water and Wastewater Fund. The Governmental
Equipment Replacement Fund Provides for the replacement of vehicles and
equipment utilized by all other city departments. The funds are proprietary,
internal service funds that enable the city to fund major equipment purchases
without substantially affecting the stability of the ad valorem tax rate.
Governmental Equipment Replacement Fund(ERF): Revenues and Expenditures
Revenues in this fund for FY 2023-24 are projected at $1,699,463. Expenditures are
estimated to be $1,158,543. The fund is scheduled to replace public works, parks
equipment, police vehicles, and other general government vehicles for $809,879.
The ERF – Governmental fund has a projected year-end fund balance of $3,846,601
for FY 2023-24.