Page 232 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 232
Prior Year Accomplishments for FY 2022-2023
BRiCk Operations: Completed several aesthetic and operational improvements to the BRiCk as
needed. List provided below:
o Men’s locker room locker replacement project
o HVAC replacement project
o Outdoor pool shade structure addition project
o LED lighting addition for indoor track
General Recreation Programming and Special Events:
o Offered 14 additional community events; Listing includes:
Mardi Craw
Russell Farm Date Night Experience Series (3 events)
Hispanic Heritage Month Series (3 events)
Cool Sounds of Fall concert Series (3 events)
Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Mother’s Day Outing
Juneteenth Celebration
BTX Honey Tour (4-day event)
o Hosted several successful teen programs. Listing includes:
Teen Camp in partnership with Burleson Police Department
Teen Tye Die in the Park Play Day
Teen Masquerade Valentine’s Dance
Summer Camp Junior Camp Counselor Leadership Program
o Awarded DFW Director’s 2023 Inclusion Award for recreational programming
Parks: Resurfaced engineered wood fiber at 8 playgrounds
Parks: Planted 78 new trees
Parks: Installed 7 trash recetacles and 3 park benches
Parks: Renovated 174 medians in front of PD/Courts
Parks: Installed 20 emergency trail marker signs and 6 trailhead signs at Coyote Loop Trail
Parks: Planted 6 wildflower areas totaling 5 acres
Parks: Removed 282,960 pounds of litter from parks and right-of-ways
Parks: Repaired 100 linear sq feet of walking trail
Parks: Launched outdoor Pickleball pilot program at Warren Park
Russell Farm Programming:
o Expanded program opportunities by maximizing the partition installed within the
Chesapeake building.
Culinary canning classes – Served over 150 participants with program make rate
of 100%
o Expanded outdoor and educational programming