Page 17 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 17
Employee Compensation and Benefits
The city continues to analyze the recently completed compensation study to ensure employees,
are paid at market value. The city is proposing merit and market adjustments to keep the city
competitive with surrounding municipalities.
• Public Safety Pay Step Plan: Police and fire sworn positions (full-time and part-time) will
receive a three (3) percent annual step placement increase on October 1, 2023, at the
cost of $479,397.
• Merit Increases: All other employees are budgeted to receive an average of 3.5% merit
increase effective October 1, 2023, at the cost of $934,311 for non-sworn positions.
• Market Adjustments: Equity adjustments for targeted positions throughout the city that
are difficult to fill or that are below market value is budgeted for a total cost of $426,772.
• Health Insurance: City contributions to the Health Insurance Fund will increase by 5%
for an estimated amount of $269,376. Premiums will not increase in FY 2024. A minimal
dental coverage buy-up option will be offered to increase employees' annual and
orthodontia benefits.
Economic Development
• Craftmasters Flagship Campus and Corporate Headquarters: The 62-acre construction
trade skill school in Hooper Business Park entered into an economic development
agreement with the city in 2023. The campus, with a minimum enrollment of 5000
students by 2031, is projected to bring a capital investment of $90 million by the 2026
tax year. The corporate headquarters will add an additional $25 million in capital
investment by the 2029 tax year.
• Entertainment: Alley Cats has begun construction on their entertainment venue in
Burleson. The venue will bring bowling, arcade, laser tag, mini-golf, go-carts and other
attractions to the community and is expected to open in the summer of 2024.
• Ellison Street Development: Heim BBQ and Razzoo's Cajun Café are projected to open
in the fall of 2023.
• Wilshire/Summercrest Boulevards Development: Retail Connections and its
investment partners will demolish the vacant building located at the corner of Wilshire
and Summercrest Boulevards and bring new to-market users, including Fatburger,
Coolgreens and Hawaiian Bros Island Grill on the two-acre corner lot.
• Chisholm Summit Master Planned Community: Ongoing infrastructure improvements
are anticipated over several years. The development includes an estimated taxable value
of $1.15 billion, covering 915 acres with 3,000 residential units, over 10 miles of
interconnected trails and 102 acres of dedicated parkland. This development is expected