Page 12 - BurlesonFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 12

infrastructure  improvements.  Including the continuation of voter-approved 2022
                    bond projects and the Lakewood Boulevard extension that will provide a direct route
                    to Chisholm Trail Parkway and Hooper Business Park.

                    In the five-year CIP, the budget includes over $101.3 in funds for street, traffic and
                    sidewalk improvements.

                 4.  Public Safety Enhancements
                    The budget recommends the addition of one (1) new police lieutenant and one (1)
                    crime  prevention/public  engagement  specialist. Police budget enhancements also
                    include new body-worn and in-car cameras, tasers and duty handgun replacements
                    for officers.

                    The Fire/EMS department has applied for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and
                    Emergency Response (SAFER) grant through FEMA. If the grant is received, the grant
                    funding  will allow this year’s budget to provide  for nine (9) firefighters, one (1)
                    battalion chief and one (1) lieutenant position. If the grant is not received, the
                    proposed budget will  add three  (3) additional firefighters. Announcement of the
                    grant is expected in September 2023.

                    The proposed budget recommends funding Bluetooth face pieces that provide direct
                    communication through fire helmets during emergencies for the city’s firefighters.
                    Also included in the budget is the replacement of a fire rescue vehicle.

                    The budget  also allocates funding for the police headquarters expansion and
                    renovations for Fire Station 1.

               Budget Focus Areas

               Strategic Plan

               The city’s Strategic Plan guides the organization for the next 12-24 months and is organized
               according to the following Strategic Focus Areas (SFAs):
               •       High Performing City Organization
               •       Dynamic and Preferred City
               •       Beautiful, Safe and Vibrant Community
               •       Great Place to Live

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