Page 26 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 26


            Debt Service Fund
                                                                   utilitY Fund expenditure highlights

            For FY 2023, revenues are estimated at $5,950,169,
            with $5,943,869 coming from ad valorem taxes, and        highlight           item         expenditure
            $6,300 from interest income. Transfers into the fund
            are budgeted at $402,554 to pay the debt service for
            the bonds issued for storm water improvements. Total                                       5% cost of
            expenditures are proposed at $6,750,432 for annual                     Pay adjustment     living base pay
            principal and interest payments, as well as related                                        adjustment
            administrative costs.
                                                                                                        9.4% rate
            The Debt Service Fund is projected to end the 2023    Personnel        Health insurance     increase
            fiscal year with reserves of $2,941,832. The fund
            balance allows us to meet our fund balance policy                      Public Works
            which states that the City of Southlake “…shall also                   Reorganization
            maintain Reserve Funds for all statutorily required                    (94% General          $9,917
            reserve funds to guarantee debt service.”                              Fund/6% Utility
                        The capital projects funded
                        through the City’s bond program                            Lead & Copper
                        address the focus areas of                                 Rule Revisions       $100,000
                        Infrastructure and Mobility, and                           (LCRR) Program
            the strategic corporate objective of “Invest
            to provide and maintain high quality public           Operations       Commercial
                                                                  - Legislative
            assets.”                                              Impact           Driver’s License
                                                                                   (CDL) Training
            Utility Fund                                                           (63% General         $12,000

                                                                                   Fund/37% Utility
            The Utility Fund is used to account for the acquisition,               Fund)
            operation, and maintenance of Southlake’s municipal
            water and sewer utility, supported primarily by user                   Enterprise Asset
            charges to utility customers. The fund accounts for                    Management
            operational costs as well as debt service for utility                  System (50%
            system improvement bonds. The intent of this fund is                   Technology           $136,500
            for the direct beneficiaries to pay for all costs of the               Infrastructure
            fund – including debt service – through fees levied for                & Security
            the services provided. Revenue and expenses related                    Fund/50% Utility
            to garbage service are also accounted for in the Utility               Fund)
            Fund.                                                                  LTE water meter

            Revenue highlights. The Utility Fund revenues are     Operations       transponder          $300,500
            projected at $34,145,200 for an increase of $1,537,000.                contract services
            This is a 4.7% increase when compared with the FY
            2022 adopted budget.                                                   Wastewater Line
                                                                                   Condition Camera     $110,000

                                                                                   Field Application
                                                                                   Technology           $20,000

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