Page 24 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 24
endeavors to pay better than 70% of the designated
labor market for civilian employees and better than 85% generAl Fund expenditure highlights
of the market for sworn public safety personnel.
highlight item expenditure
For FY 2023, the budget proposal includes a 5% cost
of living adjustment for employees. The budget also 5% cost of
includes adjusting the pay plans by 3% to account Pay adjustment living base pay
for changes in the market to maintain the City’s adjustment
compensation goals to pay better than 70% (85% for
public safety) of the established labor market. Health 9.4% rate increase
Benefits. The City recently renewed a contract
agreement with Cigna for health and dental insurance. Dependent $211,300
Medical and prescription claims continue to be high, healthcare cost (all funds)
and the renewal proposes a 9.4% increase for health increases
insurance and 0% for dental insurance. For FY 2023,
the budget proposes increasing the City’s contribution Longevity pay $240,121
towards the cost of employee dependent coverage to (all funds)
maintain competitive health insurance rates with the
labor market. The cost of the additional increase is Public Works
approximately $211,302 (all funds). Reorganization
(94% General $148,541
When evaluating the level of benefits needed to be Fund/6% Utility
competitive within the City’s labor market, it would Fund)
be inappropriate to look at each individual benefit
option separately because of the unique palette of
benefits offered. A better analysis is to compare the Personnel EMS Lieutenant $138,388
cost of benefits as a percentage of payroll. The City of (FT)
Southlake strives to offer benefits near the percentage
reported for state and local government workers by
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As released in June Accountant (FT) $71,873
2022, the benefits percentage reported for state and
local workers is 38.1%. The proposed budget reflects
Southlake’s benefit costs as 27.9% of total payroll. Accounting
Personnel expenses support the focus Reclassification
area of Performance Management from
and Service Delivery, and the Accountant II $4,910
Strategic Corporate Objective of (90% General
“Attract, develop, and retain a skilled Fund/10%
workforce.” Utility Fund)
Service enhancements. This budget includes requests Management
to enhance existing services that the city provides. The Assistant
budget proposes including additional funds for the Stars (Reclassified -$11,450.00
and Stripes event, library program expansions, and from Assistant
Urban Design Plan median enhancements. to the CFO)
BUDGET BOOK | FY 2023 City of Southlake 23