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          Self‐Insurance Fund FY 2021/2022 Revised Budget

          Revenues / Resources

          The revised revenues for FY 2021/2022 are $15,975,131.  This is $128,273 or 0.8% above the FY
          2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the revenue highlights.

                 ($39,470) decrease in Interest Income based on cash on hand that is available for
                $187,053 increase to Self-Insurance Fund Reserves for the annual encumbrance roll.


          The revised expenditures for FY 2021/2022 are $15,975,131.  This is an increase of $128,273 or
          0.8% from the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the expenditure highlights.

                     o  $119,751 increase in Personnel Expenses for costs associated to Hospitalization
                        and Worker’s Compensation which are being reflected in the fund. Historically, these
                        costs had been spread among other funds but upon conversion to the new financial
                        system, it was necessary to reallocate these costs to the Self Insurance fund.
                     o  $187,053 increase for prior year encumbrances. Prior year encumbrances consist of
                        purchase orders for purchases approved in the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget but
                        due to timing of receipt will be paid for in the current fiscal year.
                     o  ($2,865,979) decrease in health & medical expenditures resulting positive claims
                        experience during the year from retirees, employees and dependents.
                     o  ($151,000) for a premium holiday that would reduce revised revenues.


          The revised budget for FY 2021/2022 reflects an ending balance of $0.

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