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Self‐Insurance Fund FY 2022/2023 Adopted Budget
Revenues / Resources
The FY 2022/2023 adopted Self-Insurance Fund revenues are $15,228,074. This is a decrease of
($618,784), or (3.9%), from the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the revenue highlights.
$196,538 increase in the city’s contribution for other insurance costs due to anticipated cost
increases for property, liability, and unemployment insurance.
($34,935) decrease to interest income based on estimated cash on hand that will be
available for investing.
The positive claims experience that has occurred in FY 2021/2022 is expected to continue
into the FY 2022/2023 budget thereby resulting in a decrease cost and revenues of
($100,000) decrease in the appropriation of Self Insurance Fund Reserves due to the use
of reserves not being needed in the upcoming year.
The FY 2022/2023 adopted expenditures in the Self-Insurance Fund are $15,228,074. This is a
decrease of ($618,784) or (3.9%) from the FY 2021/2022 Adopted Budget. Below are the
expenditure highlights.
$196,539 increase in Property, Liability and Other insurance costs is anticipated next year
based on increases seen in the insurance market.
$130,346 increase in Personnel Expenses for costs associated with Hospitalization and
Worker’s Compensation that are being reflected in the fund. Historically, these costs had
been spread among other funds but upon conversion to the new financial system, it was
necessary to reallocate these costs to the Self Insurance fund.
($1,003,729) decrease in the city’s health/medical projected cost due to reduced insurance
claims. The trend that began in FY 2020 is projected to continue into the adopted budget
thereby resulting in a savings to the fund.
$158,583 in revenue associated with benefits for the new positions adopted in the FY
$25,205 in expense for the merit/market estimated for FY 2022/2023.
The adopted budget for FY 2022/2023 reflects a positive balance of $0.