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                           Aquatic Park Capital Projects

           Project Name                                        Project Description
         General Facility       This project consists of costs for annual general facility improvements such as drainage improvements,
         Improvements (2022) -   miscellaneous building improvements, capital acquisitions, and any safety improvements or emergency
         Continuing Project     repairs for the facility that are identified during the operating season.  Projects in the past have included
                                ADA updates, replacement motors, drainage improvements, concrete repair and patching and
                                resurfacing of numerous park attractions.

         General Facility       This project consists of costs for annual general facility improvements such as drainage improvements,
         Improvements (2023) - New   miscellaneous building improvements, capital acquisitions, and any safety improvements or emergency
         Project                repairs for the facility that are identified during the operating season.  Projects in the past have included
                                ADA updates, replacement motors, drainage improvements, concrete repair and patching and
                                resurfacing of numerous park attractions.

         Green Extreme          This project serves to engage a professional services consultant/design firm to plan, design and
         Replacement Design and   implement the plan in conjunction with city staff for the removal of the existing Green Extreme
         Construction - New Project  attraction and the installation of a new attraction in the place of the Green Extreme.

         NRH2O Attraction and   This project serves to engage a professional services consultant to analyze existing water park
         Facilities Analysis - New   attractions and facilities in order to aid in the planning and preparation for future renovations,
         Project                replacements or additions as opportunities arise.

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