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General Fund FY 2022/2023 Adopted Budget – Continued
$215,807 in inflationary cost increases and one-time reimbursed purchases including:
o $138,535 for increase to fuel costs based on current fuel pricing trends (City-Wide)
o $23,000 increase for Rhodium incident management system (Fire)
o $19,331 increase in medical and first aid (Fire)
o $8,000 increase in contract services for the medical director (Neighborhood
$2,375,578 increase in personnel expenditures which consists of the following
o $921,631 for General Government Merit/Market adjustment
o $994,425 for Public Safety Merit/Market adjustment
o $96,348 for the addition of one full-time Communications Coordinator position
o $88,828 for the addition of one full-time Street Supervisor position
o $85,443 for the addition of one full-time Code Enforcement Officer position
o $68,435 for the addition of one full-time Planning Technician position
o $50,392 IT allocation increase for the addition of one full-time Cybersecurity Analyst
o $41,056 Fleet Services allocation increase for the addition of one full-time Fire
o $39,621 Facilities allocation increase for the addition of one full-time HVAC
Technician partially funded in General Fund
o $23,312 for the addition of one full-time Engineer Associate partially funded in
General Fund
o $19,750 one-time costs for the city’s portion for the addition of grant funded
Firefighter positions.
$125,659 increase in IT related expenditures which consist of
o $71,426 in one-time costs for Camera Replacement
o $17,838 in one-time costs for Redundancy Services
o $36,395 IT allocation increase for Cybersecurity initiatives
The adopted budget for FY 2022/2023 reflects an ending balance of $0.