Page 236 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 236

N          O          R          T          H
         Goal #3                                                 ●          ●          ●

           Increase efficiency and effectiveness of 2-person maintenance and sweeping crew.

           1. Effectively implement a comprehensive street sweeping program
           2. Increase staff completed drainage work orders
           3. Decrease days to complete work orders

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Increase curb miles swept to keep pace with development         2,298      822        2,000      2,200
           Increase sweeping material weight collected by 10%              NA        44,400     25,000      27,500
           Work orders completed                                            45         34         50         55
           Decrease number of days for work order completion                61         92         45         45

                                                                 N          O          R          T          H
         Goal #4                                                 ●                                           ●

           Capital projects management

           1. Identify projects programmed for capital project improvement
           2. Implement capital program in a fiscally responsible manner

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Capital projects managed                                         2          2          2           2

                                                                 N          O          R          T          H
         Goal #5                                                 ●                     ●

           Mosquito program implementation

           1. Protect public health through a comprehensive mosquito surveillance program
           2. Protect public health and environmental quality by focus on habitat removal , larvicide, and adulticide only as needed

                                                                          Actual     Actual     Budget     Budget
         Performance Measures                                            2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
           Traps set and collected                                         184        201         200        200
           Average female culex per trap                                    61         59         60         60
           Mosquito audits/inspections                                      8         206         150        150

               Contact: Howard Redfearn, 817-276-4240

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