Page 235 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 235

Division Name:
                                                                               Environmental Services

                Mission Statement:
                 The mission of the Environmental Services Department is to oversee and implement the City's Municipal Spearate Storm Sewer
                 System (MS4) Permit, provide operational oversight of solid waste and recycling collection programs, develop and implement
                 Drainage Capital Improvement Projects, maintain existing drainage infrastructure, and deliver an engaging and effective
                 mosquito control program.
                Services Provided:
                 1. Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) implementation
                 2. Oversight of solid waste and recycling collections operations
                 3. Development and implementation of drainage capital improvements projects
                 4. Maintenance of existing drainage infrastructure
                 5. Delivery of an engaging and effective mosquito control program

                     CITY COUNCIL’S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES        N        O         R         T        H

                                                             Noteworthy  Organizational   Remarkable   Together       Healthy
                                                              Essentials  Excellence  Experiences  as One  Economy
                                                              Consistently   Strong team  Distinctive  Create   Sustainable assets,
                                                              high-quality   and internal   services and   community   financial strength &
                                                               services  culture  amenities  connections  growth

                                                                N         O         R         T        H
                Goal #1                                         ●                   ●
                 Fully Implement the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP).

                 1. Protect aesthetics, environmental quality and public health through enforcement of environmental regulations
                 2. Protect city drainage infrastructure, environmental quality and public health through enforcement of construction site regulations
                 3. Protect aesthetics and environmental quality from future discharges of developed sites through post construction water quality

                                                                         Actual   Actual    Budget   Budget
                Performance Measures                                   2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                 Environmental code cases processed                       431      441       400       420
                 Construction site inspections                            481      471       475       475
                 Additional Water Quality measures installed              23        76       25        25
                 Added acres of impervious area treated                  359       654       300       300

                                                                N         O         R         T        H
                Goal #2                                         ●                   ●        ●

                 Oversight of solid waste.

                 1. Prepare for collection contract renewal/expiration and transition to trash cart collection service
                 2. Provide residents a safe and effective means to dispose of harmful household hazardous wastes

                                                                         Actual   Actual    Budget   Budget
                Performance Measures                                   2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
                 Trash cart feasibility study                            N/A       N/A        1       N/A
                 ECC visits                                              2,729     3,056    2,600     2,800
                 HHW pounds collected                                    34,840   113,400   80,000   100,000
                 Electronics pounds recycled                            172,020   206,400  150,000   200,000

   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240