Page 51 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 51


               The City Secretary’s Office documents, catalogs, safeguards, and provides on-demand access to
               all business and legal records created or received by the City and the EDC. The Office of
               Communications disseminates information of interest to residents, stakeholders, and the media
               via printed publications, the website, social media, the e-newsletter, and press releases.

                                    HI G HL I G H T S   A N D  G O A L S  A CCO M P L I S HE D
                   Continued promotion of the newsletter.
                   Designed promotional materials for City-sponsored events
                   Continued City social media presence
                   Continued providing virtual and/or live-stream meeting access for City Council and
                     Boards as applicable and allowable
                                                 S HO RT - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Continued growth of online subscriptions and social media
                   Strengthen civic engagement by live-streaming all Council and board meetings
                   Increase media coverage for community events and achievement announcements
                   Train personnel and board members on Open Meetings Act and Public Information
                   Evaluate status of records both locally and off-site to free up space and reduce costs
                   Re-engage Youth Advisory Committee to encourage future careers in government
                                                  L ON G - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Complete certification as a Texas Registered Municipal Clerk (TRMC)
                   Develop brand standards and increase communication
                   Develop Policies and Procedures Manual for the City Secretary's Office
                   Strive for accuracy and consistency of municipal code, in all publications, at all times
                   Restructure Laserfiche document storage system and train departments on best
                   Increase regional relationships and coordination with the media and other local

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