Page 53 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 53


               The Municipal Court provides service, to foster a safe environment to promote a high quality of
               life for all.

                                    HI G HL I G H T S   A N D  G O A L S  A CCO M P L I S HE D
                   Held in person Court after two years of virtual experience due to COVID.
                   Increased security protocols.
                   Worked with information technology supplier to update computer system to work
                     efficiently and accurately.
                   Updated Procedure Manual to reflect current software and protocol.
                   Created new procedures and forms for the Court, which ensures compliance with
                     new laws.
                   Partnered with other Court Administrators and Directors for resource and
                     information sharing.
                   Worked closely with other courts, judges, prosecutors and police department to
                     ensure court runs efficiently and is in accordance to all State laws
                   Corrected hundreds of forms and court complaints to ensure accuracy and

                                                 S HO RT - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Upgrade information technology system to new configuration
                                                      T E RM  G O A L S
                   Set up information in community events in Town Center Park and the Library
                   Work with the police department to set up a Diversion Program for the local schools
                   Pursue CCM (Certified Court Manager) certification
                   Beta test a warrant robo call system
                   Acquire a credit card processing system that is cell phone compatible that allows for
                     deferred payment plans for defendant participants
                                                ST A FFI N G  R E SO U R C E S
                   Court Administrator/Juvenile Case Manager (JCM) – 1.0 FTE
                   Court Clerk – 1.0 FTE
                   Municipal Judge – Contracted
                   City Prosecutor – Contracted

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