Page 47 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 47

               Kennedale operates under the Council-Manager form of government, which combines the
               strength of an elected Mayor and Council with a professional manager and staff. The City
               Manager's Department oversees the day-to-day management of the City, supervises all
               departments and employees, reports information and makes recommendations to the City
               Council, and fosters economic development. The City Manager is accountable to the City
               Council for the proper administration of all the affairs of the City.

                                    H IG H L IG H T S   A N D  G OA L S  A CCO M P L I S HE D
                   Continued relationship with City of Arlington for maintenance and operation of
                     water sewer infrastructure and utility billing.
                   Secured a 20% grant via the Tarrant Water District Board (TWDB) for the
                     streambank stabilization of Valley Lane
                   Secured 100% funding on 3  Street water main from CDGB -- Community
                     Development Block Grant
                   Maintain and improve virtual services to citizens, developers, and visitors as

                                                 S HO RT - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Continue to improve the City’s financial strength and integrity through efficient
                     budget, financial, and debt management practices
                   Texas Water Development Board 80% match on the Valley Lane Project
                   Identify events as strengthening community base engagement with a home-town
                   Completing road way improvements as identified in existing engineering studies
                   Updating City Employee Policy
                   Update the Kennedale Comprehension and UDC Study
                                                  L ON G - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Develop plan for extended development at Kennedale Parkway and I-20 to address
                     crime and security issues
                   Develop plan for redevelopment along southeast portion of Kennedale Parkway
                   Develop tools and policies that reduce flood damage and flood risk to residents and
                     buildings along Village Creek and its tributaries
                   Determine financing and grant strategies to fund Village Creek restoration project
                   Enable/facilitate residential development on New Hope Road (within TIRZ)
                   Secure options for transportation funding
                   Installation of medians along Kennedale Parkway
                   Facilitated the inclusion of the extension of Little School Road in the 2021 Tarrant
                     County Transportation Bond Program (at 50% funding)

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