Page 13 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 13

4.  Promote safety by providing police, fire, and ambulance services.
                    5.  Provide diverse resources so library patrons of all ages can pursue personal enrichment
                        and educational goals.

                    6.  Increase regional relationships and coordination with the media and other local entities
                        including the Kennedale Independent School District.

                    7.  Increase media coverage for community and achievement announcements.
                    8.  The expectation that city staff maintains cooperative and collaborative working
                        relationships based on an integrative work culture consistent with the core values of
                        Trust, Integrity and Purpose.
                    9.  Create an orientation video for all new hires that provides an overview of the history of
                        Kennedale, government, and our integrative work culture.
                    10. Cross-train all staff to improve efficiency and customer service when possible.

                    11. Develop a reputation for easy-to-understand, efficient review and approval process for
                        development so that Kennedale can attract high-quality developers and businesses to
                        support our community.

                    12. Implement interactive voice response system for municipal court enabling payments to
                        be taken by phone in an automated environment.

                    13. Evaluate and possible implementation of an intranet for in-house communications with
                    14. Encourage more involvement between boards to allow for new volunteering to
                        opportunities and exchange of information.
                    15. Continue rebranding and communication efforts through communications, advertising,
                        and general regional coordination.

                  Short-term goals are reflected in the actual budget items.  These include:
                    •  Projected grant revenue and associated expense to support equipment for police and fire
                        personnel ($845k)
                    •  Annual volunteer Board and Committee Member Banquet ($8k) and Employee Annual
                        Banquet ($10k)
                    •  73 employees, which includes full-time, equivalent personnel, including 22 fully
                        licensed police officers, 20 certified fire fighters/paramedics (including an increase for
                        one Fire Marshal/Arson Investigator) and nine Public Works employees
                    •  Cost of living salary increases to provide competitive pay for employee recruitment and
                        retention. This includes a 10% increase for Public Works and a 5% increase for all other
                        non-sworn employees
                    •  Sworn/uniformed personnel will remain on the current pay scale with no increase

                    • Employees are eligible for a cost of living increase after the completion of a six-month
                        probationary period

                                                                      CI T Y OF K E N N E D A L E . C OM / CM O     Pa g e  5
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