Page 11 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
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Kennedale. Having a clearer picture for the growth of the city and the school district is also a big
part of our mutual success. Working together, we can continue to attract families seeking a safe and
beautiful place to live while attending our fine schools. Additionally, it is equally important to reach
out to small businesses and create a business-friendly environment. Supporting and growing
organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce will have a lasting effect on attracting the right
businesses to our city.
Finding more support for community involvement on community boards and commissions will also
be an important area to focus on. Developing community interest in these areas is vital to receive
feedback and information for park and community developments that impact the image and feel of
our city. It is also essential to include our stakeholders when planning future events valuable to our
community. Annual events such as Trunk or Treat and the Kennedale Home Town Christmas Event
at TownCenter Plaza are highly attended. Citizens should be able to provide feedback on how they
want these events to identify us as a community. Additionally, all beautification efforts undertaken
by the city should also have direct community input as we explore more opportunities to create
green spaces and initiate beautification efforts.
Many of the projects and initiatives previously identified have already started or would be
scheduled to start during this period. Another one of my priorities during this first year would be
connect to Old Kennedale and New Kennedale. Whether through seeking funding for revitalization
efforts, to bringing groups together to discuss our future, anything that can be done to close the gap
between our rich history and our exciting future will be a principal concern.
Another exciting initiative in progress is planning quality events for the entire community on a
monthly basis. Community events create interest in our city and support local commerce. Future
plans include creating a position responsible for event planning and public information, with an
emphasis on showcasing what Kennedale has to offer for new residents and new businesses.
Adopted Budget
I am pleased to submit the 2023 Adopted Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022
and ending September 30, 2023. I believe you will be pleased that the process has resulted in
a budget that should exceed your expectations. The process began with each director
determining resources needed to serve our citizens and uses creative financial strategies to
fund identified needs. Strategies include:
1. The use of existing fund balances when possible without altering General Fund
2. The use of grants and donations.
3. Implementing best practices to increase purchasing power and provide additional
services at lower cost.
4. Implementation of scheduled budget reviews to determine the best utilization of
inflows, such as restructuring investment strategies to provide increased investment
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